Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedies [Home Care Guide]

Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedies [Home Care Guide]
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When you wake up in the morning and your furry friend rolls over next to you, there's a good chance he or she has some discharge in their eyes. Just like us, dogs can experience a build-up of discharge after waking up. Fortunately, there is an abundance of home remedies to help dogs with excess eye discharge.

Since many cases of eye discharge aren't serious, home remedies can be a good solution. Plus, they are often inexpensive and may already be in your home. Discharge is healthy and normal, but there are cases that can be severe. The best way to tell the difference between normal eye discharge and potentially dangerous discharge is by doing proper research and paying careful attention to your pup.

What is Eye Discharge?

Much like in humans, eye discharge is common for dogs. Discharge is an important way for the body to cleanse the eye. Some types of eye discharge are completely normal and have home remedies. Unfortunately, other forms are associated with potentially dangerous health issues. So before we discuss remedies let's determine what factors separate normal eye discharge from excessive.

Your dog's tears regularly flow through ducts found at the inner corner of each eye. That is where discharge is typically located. Eye discharge can be comprised of dust, oil, dried tears, mucus, dead cells, and other similar minuscule objects in the air. Normal eye discharge will either be clear or brownish-red in color.

Regular eye discharge occurs most often in the morning or after a long nap. The amount of discharge, if healthy, should remain comparatively consistent and constant. Irregular eye discharge can be persistent, sporadic, and vary in amount. It may consist of red eyes, irritation (around the eyes), puss, crusty buildup, smelly facial fur, or dry eyes.

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What are the Causes of Eye Discharge in Dogs

Common Causes

Eye discharge in dogs can be caused by a number of different factors. According to PetMD, excessive eye-watering is linked with various conditions that range from harmless to severe. The most common causes of eye discharge in dogs are:

  • Irritants
  • Allergies
  • Inflammation of the cornea
  • Blocked tear ducts
  • Dry eye
  • Glaucoma
  • Foreign material in the eye
  • Anatomical abnormalities such as rolled-in eyelids
  • Corneal wounds

Less Common Causes

Since the eyes are so sensitive, many things can cause issues. While these problems may not be common, they are potential reasons for a dog with uncomfortable eyes:

  • Viruses such as herpes, hepatitis, distemper, and canine influenza
  • Bacteria like canine brucellosis
  • Leptospirosis
  • Parasites
  • Tumors
  • Poisoning
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Tick-borne diseases such as canine ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease
  • Cherry eye, is a rare ailment where your pup's third (and often hidden eyelid) becomes enlarged

different levels of eye discharge dogs


Eye Infection Discharge

If your pup is producing yellow or green eye discharge, this can be a sign of an infection. Eye redness and visible discomfort typically accompany green or yellow eye discharge. Sometimes, eye infections are the central issue, but many times yellow or green discharge is a result of another ailment such as dry eyes.


Related Illnesses or Infections

In some cases, yellow or green discharge that appears to be from an eye infection is actually a sign of infections or illnesses within the respiratory tract, nervous system, and other parts of the body.


Dry Eye

Dry eye, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is a condition that occurs when a dog’s immune system assaults and damages tear glands. Tears produce much-needed moisture for your pup's eyes to function properly. If there are fewer tears, your dog's body will produce mucus in an attempt to lubricate the eye.

The overproduction of mucus then leads to red and often painful eyes that can develop ulcers. If dry eye is left untreated, your pup can become blind. If there is gray or white mucus amassing around your pup's eyes, your veterinarian can perform a “Schirmer Tear Test.” This procedure is used to discern KCS from other diseases.


Red Eye

Conjunctivitis (often called pink or red eye) may cause eye discharge in your pup as well. Conjunctivitis refers to the inflammation of the conjunctiva. This is a thin mucous membrane that covers the eye. Another condition that can cause eye discharge is uveitis. This refers to the inflammation of the interior portion of the eye.

There are two types of conjunctivitis in dogs. Infectious conjunctivitis, or pink eye, which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Infectious conjunctivitis is rare. Non-infectious conjunctivitis is much more common and can be caused by allergies.


Genetic Predisposition (Brachycephalic Breeds)

Certain dogs are genetically predisposed to eye problems that result in excess tears. Particular breeds, such as brachycephalic breeds, spaniels, and terriers, may generate excess tears and reddish-brown mucus in the corner of their eyes. The short snouts of these breeds may cause complications for the eyes, such as shallow eye sockets, compressed tear ducts, corneal ulcers, and abnormal eyelash growth.


Eye discharge may not be the only sign of an eye infection. It is possible that you have a crafty pup that is able to clean its eyes fairly well before you spot any discharge. Because of this, attentive owners should also be cautious of:

  • Pawing at the eye
  • Holding eye closed
  • Signs of discomfort
  • Squinting
  • Blinking
  • Swelling
  • Light sensitivity

Glaucoma is caused by excessive pressure in the eye and can be discerned in several ways. Cloudy eyes, bulging eyes, and excessive tearing are all symptoms of Glaucoma. This ailment can cause serious pain which may require surgery.

Often, light-coated pups generate a reddish-brown discharge around the corner of their eyes. Tears contain a pigment called porphyrin that turns reddish-brown when exposed to air for extended periods of time. This reddish-brown eye discharge is normal and shouldn't cause any concern.


Since your furry friend should naturally produce eye discharge, there should be no need to try and prevent it. If your pup has an alarming amount of discharge, it may be that your dog’s eyes have been exposed to an excessive amount of debris such as dust or sand.

Owners can make sure their dog's eyes are shielded on notably windy days from sand, dust, and pollen by keeping them indoors or fitting them with doggy goggles. Goggles also work well for pups who like to peek their head out of car windows. Dogs that scratch themselves more often may be prone to scratching their face and causing irritation to the eye. Luckily there are some helpful home remedies for itchy dogs too.

Sometimes, an increase in eye discharge can signal the arrival of allergies. Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies later in their life. For dogs, allergies can result in hives, watery eyes, inflammation, breathing issues, and more. Providing eye drops or allergy medication can help prevent eye discharge in this situation. Trimming the hair around your pup's eye may also ease irritation in the area.

Owners should attempt to avoid the introduction of foreign bodies to their pup's eyes. Many times we allow our dogs to stick their heads out the car window while driving. Dust, dirt, sand, pollen, seeds, and other foreign objects can fly into your dog's eyes while its head is out the window. While we are not recommending that you never allow your dog to hang its head out the window, limiting this behavior may help a pup suffering from eye irritation.


Regular Cleaning

The most efficient home remedy for dog eye discharge is regular cleaning. Owners can use a clean cotton cloth dampened (not soaked) in warm water. A small gauze will work just as well. Start at the inside of the eye (the area closest to the nose), and work your way outward. Be as gentle as possible with your pup and avoid pushing the discharge back into the eye.

Many owners find use in warm saline solutions. In a cup of warm water, use no more than a tiny pinch of salt. Stir thoroughly and apply in the same method as a regular warm cloth.

cleaning dog's eyes with q-tip


Diet Corrections

Nutrition can also play a key role in helping with dog eye discharge. Changing to a fresh food diet can especially improve vision and help eye issues heal. They recommend Carotene-rich foods such as carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potatoes. Blueberries, broccoli, kale, and sardines, provide different nutrients such as antioxidants, phytonutrients, and omega oils, respectively. Sometimes you can find healthy CBD dog treats that include many of these ingredients.

Helpful Herbs

Herbs are another helpful home remedy for dog eye discharge. Astaxanthin, which is an algae that contains antioxidants and phytonutrients, can work wonders for eye health. Marigold is a potent source of a carotenoid that’s important for eye wellness, and it too can help with eye discharge.


If your pet seems to be leaking at the eyes more than usual, try these helpful and inexpensive home remedies for eye discharge. If you are able to take care of the issue without an expensive vet visit, you can use that money to care for your pooch in other ways.

However, remember that there are some cases where a vet should be contacted immediately. For example, signs of infection and dry eyes should not be ignored. Some of these signs include yellow or greenish discharge (infection) and white, gray, thick, or smelly eye leakage (dry eye). Dogs' eyes are just as sensitive as ours, so make sure to keep a close eye on your pup (pun intended). Click here for all things related to dog home remedies or check out our homepage here!

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