Genuine Reviews by Pet Lovers

Based on 6545 reviews
Mobility for one dog, reduced anxiety for the other

I have two dogs and they have both benefitted from the CBD chews, one for ease of movement, one for just a bit of ease. We will continue to purchase CBD treats from holistapet.

Exceptional quality for an exceptional pup!!

I can't say thank you enough! My twelve year old pup has his pep back in his step! He's running, jumping in the tall grass, and prances again!! I truly am ecstatic at how much your product has helped him get his youth back! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Better breath

Willis enjoys these over all the others he's tried! I enjoy his better breath! It's a win win for us! Thank you for making such fantastic products!

Bruiser is a huge fan!

I give Bruiser this treat every evening after I eat dinner. He loves it so much that he has started to remind me if I forget. He will sit and stare at me until I notice and ask him, "What?" and he looks at the bag. LOL. Good dog. He is 11 years old and he is moving so much better and even playing again. This is a great product.


I used to buy from a local dispensary that quit selling my usual supplement for my senior dane. I then made the mistake of ordering "high quality" stuff off Amazon. Within days my dane showed me there was a major difference and could barely get up and kept falling over on walks. I then discovered I ordered the mobility chews and I'm happy to say my girl is up and back at it again!

Stressed out cats

We have a very stressed out black cat. We have a couple torties that kinda bully her. So she slinks around, hides and won't go to the litter box. Would pee everywhere else. Most of the times in from of the exit doors. This has been getting worse for a couple years. At my wits end at trying to make them all comfortable and keep the house clean. Personally, I had a very rough last 14 months, and was depressed/grieving and found CBD helped me a lot. Just dawned on me to maybe see if it would help the cats. Fingers were crossed as I started dosing her and some of the other cats. Holy cow!! So far so good. No accidents, at all, after the first day. It was a constant battle. This is everything I was hoping for. Calmed the kitties and no more urine messes.

CBD Oil for Dogs
Jose Perez
Buddy loves his CBD

This product has helped our little older dog with his arthritis pain in his hind legs and hips.

CBD Oil for Cats
Cindy Hauffe

Been using this for awhile on our 7 older cats. I believe it is helpful & worth the additional cost & effort. We put it in their food & it took a little time for them to adapt to ‘the change’ in their food; but every one got over ‘the issue’ & so we have the peace of mind that they have the added benefits of CBD.

CBD Oil for Dogs
Deloras Barbazon

This product has helped my poodle with trachea collapse tremendously! I definitely will order again.

Awesome Products

A Bundle package was purchased to try out products for two cats that worked really well. One cat liked the Soft Chews and the other cat liked the Hard Chews for stressful issues. A double order of the CBD oil has been re-ordered since it’s used for both cats.
Janet K., Very Pleased Customer

CBD Oil for Cats
Wendolyn Young-Austin
Skeptical at First

Didn't know if my cranky old lady cat would benefit from this or actually even take it. I squirt it on her kibble and she gobbles it down. It does seem to be helping with her anxiety/overgrooming. I'm going to order more.

From Elderly to Youthful

Our Newfoundland was moving around very painfully until we got him on HplistaPet CBG.
He is now anxious to go on walks and hops around while waiting for meals. Much more playful. I would have to assume there is much less soreness in his joints since the CBG was added to his daily routine.

CBD Oil for Dogs
Jessica Bucholz
Wonderful CBD products!

After a lot of research, we landed on Holistapet for our dog’s CBD oil, and it’s been great! Our older guy has arthritis and this helps him a lot with inflammation. Our 1.5 year old had chondrosarcoma treated with radiation, and this helps him with residual Inflammation and pain. We have Trupanion pet insurance, and they actually cover Holistapet CBD oil for our younger dog, which is an added bonus! Customer service at Holistapet is A+ too!

Older Golden Retriever benefits

These have made a big difference in our 11 yr golden retriever. She is much more mobile with less joint stiffness. I put a little peanut butter on her 'cookies' and she waits for her dessert every morning!

3 out of 4 cats like them!

I'm trying out CBD with all 4 of my cats. All 4 ate these treats at the beginning with no problem, but currently one of the old ladies will not eat anything CBD. I have noticed a change in the older cat and the 'bully' middle aged cat. The younger rambunctious cat is still rambunctious. I give one in morning and one at night for the under 10lb kitties. 3 out of 4 cats currently eat both flavors when dropped in with their hard food. They will not always eat them as a stand alone treat.

CBD Cat Treats
L. Adriana I. Benskin
My cat's favorite cbd!

This is the only cbd treat that my cat will eat (he's picky). He actually loves the crunchy & the soft ones from holistapet. Something about this flavor, he's hooked!


Loki enjoys your cbd- he gets a 10 mg one when I go to work and 20 mg ones when there fireworks- they help him with his anxiety-so much!!! Thank you

CBD Treats for Dogs

My dog is about 11 years old and shakes really bad the majority of the time. We’ve had him to two different vets and neither knows why. We give him these treats once a day and they help his shaking a lot!

CBD Oil for Dogs
Susan Beal
Great product for our dog with mini seizures

We rescued our dog in October of 2023 and just adore him. 3 weeks later, I came home from getting groceries and he had a 10 second seizure - laid on his side, paddled a few times then tinkled a bit. Since we previously had a cat with seizures, I knew what to do. I got him to the vet a few days later for bloodwork and everything was normal. Long story short, he had 4 more seizures between November 14 and December 25th. All were 10 secs., not all had paddling and not all had tinkling. December 20th we started giving Kai CBD oil. The vet said to monitor seizures until our next visit so I did some research and decided to give it a try. His last seizure was December 25th. It's been several weeks now and we're super happy that the CBD oil appears to be helping. We're so happy that we tried Holista CBD oil for our dog, Kai.


Been ordering for years

Highly recommend for all ages of dogs and cats. I use for my five and 10-year-old golden retriever, and they act like they are puppies again. I will always buy CBD oil from Holistapet
for my animals.

Game Changer

We thought my senior kitty's decline meant she was nearing the end. Jasmine limped badly and was increasingly confined to a single room in the house. She was unable to take more pain medicine so we gave holisapet CBD oil a try. Jasmine is like new! She walks without limping, is able to jump up to her bed, and has more energy. I can't recommend this highly enough!

Diva didn't like it

Ordered the soft chews for my senior cat. She did not like it - but to be honest she is a diva and is VERY picky about her food. However my other 2 cats seemed to think it was great. Maybe a chicken or turkey flavor choice??? I plan to try the hard treats - maybe the Diva will like those.

CBD Oil for Dogs
Fahad Shahin
Absolutely love this product

I am a firm believer in the use of CBD for overall dog health. I put the CBD on my doggos gums and right away I see a difference in their behavior. Much more relaxed and the CBD does its work.

We depend on your cbd caplets for all 3 dogs!

Your cbd caplets are a lifesaver! We have 3 huge black labs.
Festus was on 800 mg Gabapentin for emotional issues. He was born this way. He got so he wouldn’t get in the truck. Vet wouldn’t refill without seeing him.
We heard about the calming affects of cbd. You had the caplets we can break and hide.
It’s changed his, and our lives.
Jake and Ralph get it for pain. Bad hips. It really helps with their pain and mobility.

I freak out if there appears to be a hiccup in my auto ship! 😂♥️😂

I recommend it to everyone with dogs. People marvel at the change in Festus’ temperament.

Thank You!

Keep up the great work.

Sincerely, Suzie Lesser

CBD Oil for Cats
Shai Walsh
Great product!

Definitely works to help ease my dogs mind while we’re away. We have noticed improvements in how less active she is while we’re away, for example not pacing around the house or worrying out the window, but she also isn’t extremely tired. Just chilled. It’s doing the job!

HolistaPet Reviews – Give Us Your Feedback

We know how important customer satisfaction, is so verified buyers can leave open, honest reviews and feedback on our site. You can find these reviews at the bottom of all product pages. Feel free to contact us for any product inquiries or if you are a review site or entity and want to write your own HolistaPet reviews!

As an additional resource, we’ve created this comparison chart that displays some of the top CBD brands and their pricing structures. It’s always important to review the information before making a purchasing decision so that you know you’re getting the best bang for your buck!

HolistaPet CBD Dog Treats Reviews

If you are a website or blogger that specializes in CBD Dog Treats or CBD for Dogs customer reviews, please let us know so we can arrange to send you some products, no questions asked! All we ask in exchange is that you give us your honest thoughts reviews! We’re confident that our CBD pet products will become your pet’s favorite, and if you’re happy, show us some love by giving us real HolistaPet reviews!

Do You Own A Review Site Or Blog? Want To Give Us An Honest Review?

We welcome you to contact us so we can arrange to get some product out to you quickly for an honest review. We love when we hear from pet owners who want to try and review our products and even happier to hear your pet’s experience. All of our products come with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. Give your pets some HolistaPet products and write a review today — we always welcome new feedback!

Why Are CBD Oil For Dogs Reviews Important?

Reviews are a great way for you to learn about a specific product or service before you decide where to spend your hard-earned money! With so many CBD pet brands out there that all claim they sell the best CBD products, reading firsthand accounts from other customers can help you make a better, more informed decision on your next purchase. You can learn more about a brand’s customer service policies, quality of products, and even extra perks they offer!

Especially in this booming CBD industry, many less reputable brands will try to capitalize on the uninformed buyer and purposely mislead them with false information. It’s important to do your research on each brand, and reading reviews is one of the ways to do so! Much like you would read reviews before going to a restaurant or seeing a new movie, the same applies to buying CBD oils or CBD treats for your dog. And once you’ve found a brand you and your dog love and trust, you’ll be able to stick with them for a long time!

What Are Third-Party Reviews?

Third-party reviews are the best way to read completely unbiased, honest reviews on a certain brand or product! You can find these reviews on third-party sites like Yelp, Trustpilot, Google Reviews, and more. The main difference between first and third-party reviews is that first-party reviews are collected by the brand and displayed on their own site. Sometimes, this might not fully represent the consumer experience since the brands can pick and choose what reviews to put on their site.

HolistaPet Third-Party Reviews

At HolistaPet, we proudly show our third-party reviews sent in by satisfied customers! We take pride in ensuring our products live up to the highest standards that we set and establishing ourselves as a highly-trusted, widely-used brand across the country. Check out our thousands of reviews from Trustpilot and Google so you can get a better idea of the amazing products we sell!

What Are The Benefits Of CBD For Dogs?

CBD has many amazing, natural benefits for your dog! CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid from the hemp plant that can support their endocannabinoid system (ECS) to help them reach an internal balance. The ECS regulates many internal systems, such as appetite, digestion, mood, sleep, and immune response! Reaching this balance is important for operating at peak performance and living a higher quality of life!

After all, we want to keep our beloved dogs around for as long as possible! CBD is the perfect way to manage their wellness and provide more benefits to help them live happier and stronger. Some of the main benefits of CBD for dogs are:

  • Promotes better sleep
  • Helps soothe indigestion
  • Relieves discomfort
  • Boosts appetite
  • Calms nervous and anxious behaviors

CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, so you won’t need to worry about your dog getting high at all! Because CBD has non-intoxicating properties, there are very few side effects associated with it. In fact, most pets that consume CBD actually tolerate it extremely well. Any reported side effects are typically extremely mild and don’t last too long. Some of the side effects can include:

  • Slight drowsiness or fatigue
  • Change in appetite
  • Mild queasiness
  • Diarrhea

Luckily, the benefits of CBD far outweigh the potential risks! Even if you give your dog too much CBD, there is very little chance they will overdose. They might feel slightly more tired than usual, but a quick nap will wear it off!

How Long Does It Take For CBD To Be Effective In Dogs?

It may only take a few uses of CBD for you to start noticing small changes in your dog! It’s important to remember that CBD isn’t supposed to replace medical treatments for your dog but rather supplant their quality of life. You might notice small changes right away, such as calmer moods, better rest, or less discomfort than before. For any more serious health issues, always consult a vet first to determine the best treatment method.

After you give your dog CBD, allow up to an hour for effects to start kicking in. Because CBD is more passive in effect, you might not notice visible effects immediately, but don’t worry, it’s absolutely working! The effects might be more noticeable if your dog is suffering from a specific ailment like difficulty walking or if they’re feeling a little jumpy.

What To Look For When Shopping For CBD For Dogs

Finding a brand that sells the best CBD oils or best CBD dog treats can be difficult. Some brands might sell lower-quality products in an attempt to save on costs, while others may purposely mislead you with false information. Of course, reviews play a huge part in your final decision, but what else is important to consider? Let’s take a look at some of the most important things to look out for before you buy!

Healthy Ingredients

Focus on giving your dog all-natural, organic ingredients as a major part of their health and wellness routine! Making sure that a particular brand avoids using any preservatives and additives is extremely important. Always read the ingredients label to verify that you aren’t giving your dog anything that could potentially be harmful to their health.

Certificates Of Analysis (COAs)

Most reputable brands provide COAs to demonstrate that their products undergo third-party lab-testing. These independent labs can test for the full cannabinoid profile and any use of pesticides or heavy metals. Many less reputable brands will misrepresent how much CBD is actually in their products. You should be able to find COAs easily on the site so you can verify for yourself!

USA-Grown Hemp Vs. Imported Hemp

It’s important to know the hemp source of your dog’s CBD products! Hemp grown in the USA is subject to strict regulations set by the government to ensure high-quality, safe crops for your consumption. Remember to look for the hemp source on the product or the company’s site.

Imported hemp may not always follow the same safety requirements, so you may be putting your dog at risk if you buy a CBD product made with foreign hemp. Imported hemp products might have heavy use of pesticides or chemicals during the growing process that could potentially be very dangerous for your dog since it’s unregulated by the government. Some products might even contain over the legal limit of 0.3% THC, leaving your dog at risk of getting high.

Price Vs. Potency

The price of a product is one of the biggest factors that people consider when deciding between multiple brands. Of course, you always want to get the best value for your money, but how do you determine this? The lowest price is not always getting the best bang for your buck — you have to compare the different potencies of each product.

For example, if you find a 300mg bottle of pet CBD oil for $30 and another 400mg bottle for $45, which one is the better value? To find this, take the bottle’s potency and divide it by the cost to determine how much CBD $1 buys you.

So, for the 300mg bottle, you’re getting 10mg of CBD for every dollar that you spend. (300mg / $30 = 10mg per $1). When you divide the other 400mg bottle by $45, you’ll find that it costs about 8.88mg of CBD for every dollar. (400mg / $45 = 8.88mg per $1)

With these calculations, it’s clear that buying the 300mg CBD oil for your dog gives you the best value!

What Types Of CBD For Dog Products Are There?

There are many fantastic CBD dog products out there! From treats to shampoos, let’s take a look at what you can buy for your special furry friend!

  • CBD Dog Treats – You can’t go wrong with buying delicious CBD-infused dog treats! There’s a wide variety of tasty flavors you can find for your dog to enjoy a rich CBD-filled treat. Treats are great if you need to calm your dog during long road trips or if fireworks are going off. Many of them are also made with incredibly healthy ingredients for a stronger boost to their overall well-being!
  • Soft Chews – Some brands sell CBD soft chews for dogs perfect for a no-hassle, no-mess treat! Soft chews are great for senior dogs or any dogs that might have trouble chewing hard foods.
  • CBD Oil – CBD oil is one of the most versatile products you can give your dog! Add a few drops to their water or drop it directly into their mouth for an easy and convenient way to manage their health. Make sure to check the ingredients since some brands will add artificial flavoring or additives in their CBD oil, which may be harmful to your pet.
  • CBD Capsules – Capsules are one of the easiest ways to give your dog CBD. Each capsule is pre-dosed with an exact amount of CBD, so you know how much you’re giving your dog at all times. You can feed it to your dog directly or try to hide it in their food!
    CBD Shampoo – Keep your dog clean, soothed, and relaxed with CBD dog shampoo! Look for dog shampoos with gentle formulas and moisturizing properties to keep their skin and coats looking healthy and shiny!

Why Choose HolistaPet’s CBD For Dogs?

There are many great reasons you should shop at HolistaPet! Our CBD products are unbeatable in quality and price, but more importantly, we always make sure your pet’s happiness and satisfaction come first. Check out why so many people have joined the HolistaPet family throughout the years!

  • A Huge Selection of Amazing Products – You won’t find this kind of selection anywhere else! From three different dog treat flavors to CBD oil and capsules, you’ll be able to find something for your dog’s every need. We also offer various strengths, so there’s something for dogs of every size!
  • 100% All-Natural Ingredients – We will NEVER make any products with artificial ingredients, preservatives, or additives. Your dog’s health is our priority, and it’s part of our mission to make sure they are getting the best they can get! Never worry about harmful or unhealthy ingredients in ANY of our CBD dog products.
  • Thousands of 5-Star Reviews – With thousands of 5-star reviews on Trustpilot and Google Reviews, our track record of providing top-notch customer service and high-quality products continue to show time and time again. HolistaPet has also been featured on LA Weekly, Observer, and Discover Magazine as a testament to our commitment to quality and service!
  • Your Satisfaction Guaranteed – We want to make this entire experience as easy and stress-free as possible for you! All of your purchases automatically come with free shipping, no matter how big your order is. And if you aren’t completely happy with your products, you can send them back within 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked!

How Can I Leave My Own CBD For Dogs Review On HolistaPet?

After you buy any product and your order is verified, you can leave a review on any of the following sites: Trustpilot, Google Reviews, or Facebook. You can also contact our amazing customer service team at or call us at (618) 473-8223 to get any questions you may have answered. We look forward to hearing your feedback so we can continue to grow our HolistaPet family and make sure you’re completely happy with your CBD products!