Horse Breeds
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Akhal TekeAmerican Cream Draft (N/A) American Indian Horse (N/A) American Paint HorseAmerican Quarter HorseAmerican SaddlebredAmerican Warmblood (N/A) Andalusian Horse AppaloosaArabian Horse
Belgian HorseBhutan (N/A) Blazer Horse (N/A) Borana (N/A) BrabantBrumby (N/A)
Campolina (N/A)Canadian Horse (N/A) Castilian (N/A) Cerbat Mustang (N/A) Chincoteague Pony (N/A) Choctaw Horse (N/A) Clydesdale HorseCob (N/A) Colorado Ranger (N/A) Curly Horse (N/A)
FalabellaFjord Horse (N/A) Fleuve (N/A) Florida Cracker Horse (N/A) Freiberger (N/A) Friesian Horse
Georgian Grande Horse (N/A) Gypsy Horse
Icelandic HorseIrish Cob (N/A)
Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse (N/A) Knabstrupper (N/A) Konik (N/A)
Lokai (N/A) Lusitano
Mangalarga MarchadorMaremmano (N/A) Marwari HorseMiniature HorseMissouri Fox TrotterMongolian Horse Morab (N/A) Morgan HorseMustang
Nez Perce Horse (N/A)
Oldenburger (N/A)
Paso Fino (N/A) Percheron (N/A) Przewalski's Horse
Quarter Horse (N/A)
Racking Horse (N/A) Rocky Mountain Horse (N/A)
Saddlebred (N/A) ShireSpanish Mustang (N/A) Spotted Saddle Horse (N/A) StandardbredSuffolk Punch
Tennessee Walking HorseThoroughbred (N/A) Trakehner
Zangersheide (N/A)

Tennessee Walking Horse: A Modern Study of This All-American Breed
The Tennessee Walking Horse, also known as the Tennessee Walker, is one of the most refined and elegant horse breeds to come from North America. It is a rare honor for a state to recognize a breed ...

Miniature Horse Breed Information & Facts
Is there anything cuter than a miniature horse? When first born, they're the size of a big-headed puppy, and just as playful. Small horse breeds join the ranks of teacup pigs and baby hedgehogs a...

Belgian Horse: A Comprehensive Breed Guide
The Belgian is a strong and powerful horse breed that has been used for both farm work and agricultural work since the Middle Ages. Its impressive ability to pull large objects makes it one of the ...

Dutch Warmblood Horse Breed: The Competitive Equine Guide
The Dutch Warmblood horse is one of the most successful show breeds in the world. Since emerging from its native Dutch lands, this athletic horse has had a rich history, from dressage horses to s...

American Quarter Horse: Racehorse of the U.S. [Breed Information]
The American Quarter Horse is not your ordinary horse. It is one of the oldest breeds in American history, and it can adapt to almost any purpose. This horse can race, herd cattle, or just hang o...

Arabian Horse: Complete Breed Guide [Temperament, Care, & More]
Arabian horses have earned a top spot as one of the premier racing horse breeds in the world. But, there is so much more to this breed than meets the eye. Its stunning beauty and even temperament...

Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Breed [Profile, Care & Facts]
The Missouri Fox Trotter is a beautiful mid-sized gaited horse breed. It is one of the smoothest and most graceful riding equines that America has ever produced. Of course, this unique and muscula...

Morgan Horse: The Ultimate Guide to an Iconic Breed
The United States has never known a more likable, adaptable horse than the Morgan. Renowned for its amicable personality and exquisite strength, the Morgan has served every function a horse possi...

Gypsy Vanner Horse: Revealing Facts About This Mystical Breed
The beauty and versatility of the Gypsy Vanner, also known as the Gypsy Vanner Horse, Gypsy Cob, and Irish Cob, makes them one of the most sought-after equine breeds in the world today. This gent...

Marwari Horse: The Pride of India [Full Profile]
Marwari horses are one of the oldest horse breeds in the world. Once the ideal warhorse in India, the Rathores of the Marwar region prized these steeds for their toughness and endurance. However, ...

Appaloosa Horse Breed: The Beautiful, Intelligent & Lovable Equine
It's no doubt horses are thrilling animals to be around, and Appaloosas are no different. The alluring, spotted horse breed draws eyes no matter where they are. Whether you're riding or grooming ...

Grulla Horse [Guide to These Rare Gray Beauties]
The Grulla horse is a rarity and is often sought after by horse enthusiasts because of its uniquely colored coats. Like many horses, these beautiful creatures are a sight to see and can be distin...

The Dapple Grey Horse: Reasons For Changing, Spotty Coats
If you've ever seen a dapple gray horse, you know that they're special. Dapple greys are eye-catching, unique, and have a beautiful spotted pattern that you won't forget. But how do they get thos...

Cremello Horse: Learn More About These Rare & Stunning Steeds
If horses exist in paradise — and what kind of paradise would it really be without any horses — we'd wager that the majority of them are cremellos. Unique and elegant with a pinch of inherent nob...

Which is the Fastest Horse Breed? [These Equines Go the Distance]
Horses are amazing animals. If you've ever seen a horse race in person, it's a sight to behold. A dozen majestic horses barreling down a race track, jockeys expertly crouched in an aerodynamic posi...

Falabella Horse: The Pint-Sized Pet! [Personality, FAQs, & More]
You might just have to see a Falabella horse next to dog to believe how tiny this breed is. The Falabella horse became one of the world's smallest breeds through generations of breeding and natur...

Mustang Horse: Icon of the American Wild West [Ultimate Breed Guide]
The Mustang is an iconic American horse breed synonymous with one word: freedom. These powerful horses have a rich history, with multiple breeds contributing to their heritage. Riding the Mustang h...

Mongolian Horse: The Complete Equine Breed Guide
Did you know the Mongols were some of the fiercest horsemen in the world? They couldn't have reached this status without their equally powerful partners - the Mongolian Horse. This powerful horse ...

Piebald Horse: An Angelic Horse Breed With Spots On The Fur
If you're lucky, you've probably seen horses spotted of all kinds of colors. Horse lovers will tell you; there are multiple spotted horse coat patterns. So what makes a horse a piebald horse? The ...

Friesian Horse: Facts, Care, History, & More!
What has the look of a draft horse but the grace and agility of a light equine? The Friesian horse! These beautiful steeds from the Netherlands were once the warhorses of medieval Europe, carryin...

Suffolk Punch Horse: The Ultimate Draft Breed Guide
The Suffolk Punch Horse is an English-heavy draft breed that loves to work. In fact, the Suffolk is the only draft breed to be developed exclusively for agricultural work. This draft horse eventu...

American Paint Horse Breed Guide [Top Equestrian Tips!]
The American Paint Horse is a beauty to behold! Their flashy coats grab attention for miles. If you have the pleasure of riding one, get ready for a lot of jealous looks as people admire the stunni...

Haflinger Horse: Full Breed Profile [History, Temperament, & Pics]
Hailing from the Italian-Austrian Tyrolean mountains, the Haflinger horse breed is one of the most versatile equines in the world. These horses may not be large, but they can perform in nearly ev...

Mangalarga Marchador: Full Breed Guide of the Pride & Joy of Brazil
The Mangalarga Marchador is a horse with many accolades. They're the national horse of Brazil and prized for their smooth and comfortable "marcha" gaits - which are unique to the breed. In 1994, ...

Lusitano Horse Breed & Care Guide
The Lusitano, also known as Puro Sangue Lusitano, is an ancient and elegant breed of equines originating in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain & Portugal) as far back as 20,000 BC. This friendly br...

Przewalski's Horse Breed: The Full Horse Breed Guide
Przewalski's Horse, also known as the P-Horse or Takhi, is one of the world's oldest equine breeds. This Mongolian wild Horse was still alive 100,000 years ago, coming close to extinction in the ...

Trakehner Horse: Full Breed Profile [Personality, Photos, & FAQ]
Out of all the record-setting breeds out there, the Trakehner Horse is one of the most impressive. This elegant, refined horse is the oldest warmblood steed, but they hold other noteworthy titles...