Manx Cat: Breed Profile & Characteristics

Profile and Characteristics of Manx Cat


The first thing you might notice about the Manx cat is that it doesn't have a tail. While that's definitely one of the Manx cats' more noticeable features — setting it apart from other breeds — you'll soon realize that there are even more unique features to love about this feisty and truly affectionate cat breed!


Manx Cat Walking Indoor

Manx Cat Breed Origin & History

The Manx is an ancient breed with a lot of myths surrounding their taillessness (also referred to as the Manx Syndrome). Some say that the Manx was late boarding Noah's ark and a door slammed on their tail when they rushed in the last minute. Others say that Manx cats are a hybrid between a cat and a rabbit.


There's another theory that Viking raiders and Irish invaders would steal kittens to use their tails as good luck charms. To avoid this practice, mother cats would bite their kittens' tails off. While these are most likely tall tales, Vikings are thought to be involved in the actual origin story of the Manx cat breed.


Tailless Manx cats originated on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, where the island's native shorthair cats often carried a dominant mutation that caused them to be tailless. It's possible they arrived on the island when the Spanish Armada crashed there in 1588. The cats inhabiting the ship swam ashore, becoming the island's rodent control.


It's also thought that Manx were introduced to the Isle of Man by Phoenician traders who took the cats from Japan. Vikings discovered these unique tailless cats and brought them aboard their ships. When they bred with different cats in other areas, the Manx also gained its longhair gene. They are thought to be the ancestors of today's Norwegian Forest Cats.


According to the Cat Fanciers' Association, all Manx cats have at least one gene for a full tail. This means even two tailless Manx can produce a kitten with a normal tail. Manx kittens will also have various tail lengths, from full tail to no tail at all. Only Manx cats with a slight bump where their tail would be are eligible to compete in CFA cat shows. They were represented in the first cat shows held in Great Britain. Their ancient legacy continues, as when CFA was founded in 1906, they were one of the founding breeds.


Manx Cat on Grass Lookout

Manx Cat Breed Personality

The Manx is growing in popularity thanks to its unique looks and infectious personality. It may be missing its tail, but they are still expressive and energetic cats who aren't held back by their genetic mutation. In fact, Manx cats are known to be impressive jumpers.


Sturdy and tough, the Manx is also a great hunter. Keep birds safe from this jump-happy feline by keeping them indoors and providing a wide array of toys for them to chase and toss around. You'll often find your Manx racing around the house, chasing after balls and toy mice.


Manx are also known to be very loyal cats. Some will choose a favorite human to dutifully follow around while some Manx prefer to constantly interact with the entire household, regardless of age or species. If you're not paying attention to this tailless acrobat, they'll usually let out a few (or more) high-pitched, drawn-out meows.



Manx Cat Breed Characteristics (Physical)

The Manx is a robust cat breed that's known for its strength and hunting prowess. Their round head and circular eyes make them appear friendly and alert. Oh, and they often have no tail, making them one of the most unique cat breeds around!


  • Manx Cat Size: Adult Manx typically weighs eight to 13 pounds. They have a round body and a broad chest. Their flank area has a greater depth than most breeds. The CFA says they are "surprisingly heavy" when lifted. Unlike many other breeds that reach maturity earlier, Manx cats typically take longer to grow and may not reach their full adult size until they are around five years old.
  • Head: Matching their body shape, the Manx cat has a round head with prominent cheeks and a "jowly appearance." They also have round, big whisker pads, a long muzzle, and a short, thick neck. Their ears are wide at their base and they have large, round eyes.
  • Eye Color: The Manx cat's eye color is closely tied to its coat color, with a variety of shades that can make their gaze particularly striking. Their eyes can range from warm gold and copper hues to cool blues, greens, and hazel. In some cases, Manx cats may even have odd-colored eyes, a condition known as heterochromia, which is most commonly seen in cats with white or predominantly white fur.
  • Legs & Paws: Manx cats have muscular and heavily boned legs. Their front legs are strikingly shorter than their hind legs. The hind legs are described as "substantial" with heavily muscled thighs. Their paws are round, with five toes in front and four toes on their back paws.
  • Coat: The Manx cat can have short hair or long hair coats. Shorthaired Manx have a well-padded double coat. The outer fur may seem a bit coarse but glossy. Manx with long fur also have a double coat which is also dense and well-padded. The fur will thicken as it goes towards the back of their body. The Manx coat comes in a variety of colors. This includes white, black, blue, red, cream, calico, tortoiseshell, and bi-color. When it comes to coat patterns, the Manx can have any variation of tabby.


Manx Cat Body Calico

Manx Cat Breed Care

Because of their double coat, the Manx has to be brushed almost daily to avoid mats and knots. This is especially important during the spring and fall when the Manx is shedding a bit more heavily. This will help them avoid hairballs, too. Manx cats are intelligent cats that love to hunt. It's important to provide interactive puzzle toys for your cat to keep them busy and stimulated. You can also teach this tailless cat how to play fetch, which will further satisfy their need to learn — and chase.


It's been estimated that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3 to 4 billion birds and 6.3 to 22.3 billion mammals annually. As an avid hunter, the Manx should be kept indoors to protect wildlife. This will simultaneously keep your cat safe from dogs, wild animals, cars, and catnappers who can't resist their unique appearance.


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It's also very important for Manx cats to have a strictly controlled diet to help them avoid becoming overweight. One way to ensure that they are getting the proper amount of food throughout the day is by implementing an automatic feeder. This way, your cat can't scarf all of their food down in the morning, leaving them to beg for more throughout the day.


Make sure you are giving your pet a commercial cat food brand that has the proper ingredients and nutrients for your cat's age, size, and lifestyle. We recommend quality cat food that features a named protein source as the first ingredient (like chicken or salmon) and a minimal amount of carbohydrates.


For treats, you want to provide an option that also uses healthy ingredients like those just mentioned. If your cat has difficulty chewing due to dental problems, opt for high-quality wet food and soft chew treats. Although made of healthy ingredients, treats should only make up 10% of their daily food regimen.


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Manx Cat Family Portrait

More About This Breed

Earlier we mentioned that the Manx is an ancient breed. But did you know they were one of the first cats to be featured in cat shows? They were exhibited throughout Great Britain since the late 1800s. The first known breed standard for these cats with no tail was in 1903 before the Cat Fanciers' Association was even founded!


The CFA even notes that there's been numerous Grand Champions, as well as regional and national winners, who have come from tailed parents. Here's a fun fact about the Manx cat's tail lengths:


  • Rumpy: A Manx kitten that is completely tailless.
  • Rumpy Riser: This is a Manx with a stub on their rear. The Rumpy Riser is the only Manx that can get champion status.
  • Stumpy: A Manx with a partial tail.
  • Longy: You guessed it — a Manx with a full-length tail or close to it.


The sign language learning gorilla, Koko, owned her own Manx cat. In 1984 (her 12th birthday), the intelligent ape was allowed to pick a kitten from a litter. Koko picked a grey and white cat without a tail, calling it "All Ball." They were often found playing and cuddling together until All Ball was hit by a car later that year. Koko had two other pet cats after her beloved Manx.




Final Thoughts - Manx Cat

Whether it's curling up on your bed to keep you company while you read or racing throughout the living room after a feathery toy, the Manx is the perfect companion for any sized family. They get along with just about anyone, although they may choose a specific human to crown their favorite. This is a cat you'll always have by your side.

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