Cat Urinary Blockage Home Remedy [Prevention + When To Go to the Vet]

Cat Urinary Blockage Home Remedy [Prevention + When To Go to the Vet]
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Urinary blockages are nothing less than dreadful. What's worse than having a cat that vomits, cries in pain, and pees where it's not supposed to? For a loving cat owner, nothing. Nonetheless, this tragic scenario is the unfortunate reality of a cat suffering from urinary blockage. No responsible pet owner would want to see their cat in this condition, and obviously no cat would want to experience it (in fact, they won't survive this affliction without immediate treatment). Read on to learn more about cat urinary blockages, and what steps you can take at home to keep your cat healthy.



What is Urinary Blockage in Cats?


A urinary blockage occurs when the urethra, the tube that drains urine from the bladder, becomes obstructed by a foreign material. This material plugs the tube and prevents urine from leaving the cat's body. The buildup of urine can cause the cat's bladder to overfill, which will consequently cause the kidneys to swell and rupture.


Since a cat's urethra is so narrow, a number of things can plug it easily - struvite crystals (bladder stones), mucus, and protein are all likely culprits. Sometimes, even involuntary muscle spasms can narrow the urethra enough to cause a blockage. Neutered male cats are far more susceptible to this condition as they have especially narrow urethras.


Urinary blockages are a life-threatening condition; a cat that cannot urinate properly will die. The size of the blockage, and the amount of urine your cat is excreting, will determine the timeline and prognosis of the condition. So PLEASE! Take your beloved pet to the vet right now if you suspect they are suffering from a urinary blockage.



What Causes Urinary Obstruction in Cats?

Urinary blockages are primarily caused by materials plugging the cat's urethra. How those materials get there, though, is another story. Various factors contribute to a blockage, so identifying the source of your cat's problem can be tricky. Here are some common items that contribute to cat urinary issues.


Dry Food

A cat that's left to its own devices will hunt birds, lizards, and mice for prey. These prey animals contain lots of water - about 75%, to be exact. Dry food contains about 8% water. Obviously, this is a gross deficiency compared to a cat's natural diet. The dehydrated diet makes the urine more concentrated, and the result is a higher occurrence of mineral stones in the urine. Contrary to popular belief, diets high in magnesium do not contribute to bladder stones as long as the pH of the urine is lower than 7.5.


Adding moist, canned food to your cat's diet will help prevent struvite crystals from forming in their bladder. Canned food has a higher water content than dry food and will keep your cat adequately hydrated. As a result, their urine will be less concentrated and urinary blockages will become a thing of the past.


Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC)

Feline idiopathic cystitis is a general term that refers to inflammation of the bladder with no known cause. It contributes to various feline urinary tract problems, including urinary blockages.  Inflamed bladders excrete more mucus, and a cat that is urinating mucus is at risk for developing urinary blockages. Blockages, in turn, make the bladder inflammation worse and the issue persists. Though the cause of FIC is unknown, the issue may stem from an imbalance in the endocrine and central nervous systems.



Urinary tract tumors, which can develop in the bladder, kidneys, ureters, urethra, or prostrate (for male cats), can cause blockages. Tumors directly affecting the cells of the urethra are relatively rare, but they require immediate surgical removal. Bladder tumors are the most common type of tumor that develops in the urinary tract. Any tumor that develops in the urinary tract can quickly spread to the lymph nodes, bones, or lungs if left untreated.


Scar Tissue

Although it’s one of the least common causes of urinary blockages, scar tissue can play a role in your cat's urinary problems. Also known as urethral strictures, residual scar tissue from past trauma to the urinary tract can thicken the wall of the urethra and prevent urine from passing through. A perineal urethrostomy (PU) is a surgical procedure that treats this condition by creating a new urinary opening for your cat which allows fluid to bypass the scar tissue.



Recognizing a Urinary Blockage in Your Cat


Identifying a urinary blockage in your cat can be quite apparent, as this condition causes significant discomfort and distress. The most common sign is frequent trips to the litter box with little or no urination. Your cat will strain to pee and may yowl or cry out in pain.

Additionally, your cat may lose control of its bladder, leading to urination in unusual places. While this behavior can be frustrating, it is crucial not to dismiss it. Urinating outside the litter box often indicates a blockage or other urinary issues that require immediate attention.



Symptoms of Urinary Blockage in Cats


Cat urinary blockage symptoms can closely resemble the signs of cat UTI. It's important to closely monitor your cat's behavior and watch for the following symptoms:

  • Frequent trips to the litter box

  • Urinating in places other than the litter box

  • Decreased urine output

  • Blood in the urine

  • Yowling or crying (during urination or otherwise)

  • Vomiting

  • Decreased appetite

  • Lethargy

  • Excessive licking of the genital region

  • Abdominal pain


When to Go to the Vet for Cat Urinary Obstruction

If you think your cat has a blockage, you should go to the vet, like, right now. Not to be a downer but, this condition is life-threatening.  Your cat will die from it if it doesn't receive medical attention. The buildup of urine will cause the kidneys to rupture, and the electrolyte imbalance that results from decreased urine output can cause the heart to fail. Urinary blockages are nothing to joke about! Your local veterinarian will be able to give your cat the best care possible.



Cat Urinary Blockage Home Remedies

Unfortunately, there is not much you can do to remedy a urinary blockage at home. If I haven't already stressed it enough, you need to bring your cat to the vet if you think they are experiencing a urinary blockage.


When you bring your cat to the vet, the first thing your vet is likely to sedate your cat. Then, they will place a urinary catheter in your cat's urinary tract for up to 72 hours to help the bladder drain. During this time, your cat's cardiac function and other vitals will be closely monitored, and intravenous fluids will be administered as the vet sees fit. The vet will treat your cat with pain medication and muscle relaxers as they flush your cat's bladder. You can expect your cat to be hospitalized for a few days while the vet treats the urinary blockage.



Cat Urinary Blockage Recovery

Your cat will be uncomfortable as they recover from their urinary blockage. Whether they underwent surgery or endured a catheter for days, they'll be feeling sluggish and distressed. Give your kitty some extra TLC during this time; they'll certainly need it.


It's not unusual for your cat to still strain a bit during urination while they're recovering from a blockage. The inflammation can take a few days to subside. Be sure to monitor your cat's urinary output and watch for signs of blood in the urine. You will need to bring them back to the vet if the blockage recurs. To help relieve some of your cat's discomfort, you can give them non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like Onsior or Metacam.


If you don't want to go the pharmaceutical route, CBD products are another option that can aide your cat's recovery.  Like all mammals, cats have an endocannabinoid system (ECS) that regulates inflammation, among other important processes, in their body. CBD interacts with the ECS and can provide some soothing effects for your pet. Don't fret! CBD is a non-intoxicating compound that is well-tolerated by cats. Your cat won't get "high" from CBD, and they won't become addicted to the products either.



How to Prevent Cat Urinary Obstruction

Although there is no guarantee that your cat will never suffer from a urinary blockage, there are steps you can take to help prevent them. These measures are easy to implement and will save your cat from agony (and your wallet from medical bills) later down the road. Preventing urinary blockages is easy once you discover their cause.


Stress Management

Stress affects your cat's urinary tract more than you may realize! Studies show that stress exacerbates urinary tract problems in cats. Ensuring that your cat chills out and plays with some fun toys can be a game-changer in the long run. If your cat just doesn't seem to know how to play, try coating some of their toys with CBD catnip spray to encourage interaction - you never know how it can help until you try it!


Diet Changes

To decrease the chance of your cat experiencing a blockage, limit the amount of dry food they consume. Dry kibble contains little water and makes your cat's urine concentrated with minerals. These minerals build up in the absence of water and form the struvite crystals that cause urinary blockages. Keeping your cat's diet moist and ensuring they drink enough fluids will remedy this problem.


Manage the Litter Box

To keep your cat from holding their bladder, you should make sure they enjoy using their litter box. Always be sure to have more than one litter box established in your home, and that your cat approves of each box. Keep them clean, and use a litter that your cat likes.



Final Thoughts

Urinary blockages are a very serious threat to your cat’s well-being, but they don’t have to get the best of your pet. Taking proper steps to ensure your cat’s urinary health, like cleaning their litter box, balancing their diet, and making sure they chill out will help keep blockages at bay. If the worst scenario occurs and your cat suffers a blockage, your local vet will know what to do. 

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