There is nothing more irritating than fighting against your own body. When you're constipated, that's how it feels: like you are forcing your body to do what it should be doing naturally. When dogs experience this bothersome situation, they can become just as angry. Because constipation is fairly standard across all animals, there are several home remedies for dog constipation.
Dog constipation is rarely serious, but it can be dangerous. If your dog's body cannot pass toxic waste, it could get very sick. A bad diet and physical inactivity can lead to chronic constipation. Before we dive into home remedies for dog constipation, let's explore the reasons for an issue with bowel movement.
What is Constipation?
The effects of constipation for dogs are similar to constipation in humans. Constipation can occur in all animals. It refers to the inability to excrete healthy stools on a regular schedule. Most dogs should defecate once or twice a day, although each dog is different. If your dog does not defecate in 24 hours, there might be an issue.

As an owner, you must decide what is normal for your dog. Your constipated dog poop may go more often than others. A constipated dog will not defecate, strain to relieve themselves or produce rock-hard stools. Complicated bowel movements can also lead to stress. In severe cases, dogs with constipation may have hard, dry feces stuck in their digestive tract. This painful predicament is called obstipation. If your dog is experiencing obstipation, it will not be able to defecate because of blockage.
Dog constipation may be connected to an underlying disease, but often, that is not the case. Disruption in a dog's bowel movements can be caused by dehydration, lack of physical activity, not enough dietary fiber, or medication side effects.
Constipation in Dogs
The causes of constipation and bowel obstruction are plentiful. To understand these issues, let's start with how the body should work normally. In a normal, healthy body, fecal matter travels through the digestive tract and heads to the colon. The colon's job is to reabsorb water and electrolytes from the fecal matter before sending the rest of the unusable parts out for excretion.
According to the American Kennel Club, feces is moved through the colon in “peristaltic waves.” If the peristaltic wave process is slowed, the fecal matter will stay in the colon and continue to have all the water extracted from it. If the feces stays too long, it will become hard and dry, making it much harder to excrete. Concretion is the scientific term for hardened feces.
Concretion can be caused by physical inactivity or cancer. Vets classify it based on where the issue occurs inside the dog's digestive system or tract. Intraluminal refers to blockages inside the colon, extraluminal to obstructions outside the colon, and intrinsic to diseases and nerve injuries. Sometimes, medical procedures or orthopedic disorders can make it hard for a dog to hunch or squat, prompting constipation.
Most Common Causes
Now that we understand how a healthy body functions and how constipation is classified, let's explore the most common causes. Just like with humans, any diet lacking fiber will lead to constipation. If your dog is experiencing constipation, ensure a decent amount of fiber in its diet. There are circumstances where fear has also led to constipation.
A good example is a dog who is punished for defecating in the house, being scared to go and subsequently holding its own stool in to avoid punishment. Dogs also enjoy putting lots of things in their mouths, especially things that aren't food. They don't have thumbs like us, so they cannot pick things up the same way (although some dogs use their paws to snatch things).
Because dogs use their mouths as tools to lift things, there is a good chance non-edible items will end up in their stomach. These items can cause blockages or bowel obstruction if ingested. Digestive tract tumors, anal gland problems, dehydration or electrolyte imbalances, prostate enlargement, spinal diseases and injuries, stress, metabolic diseases like hypothyroidism, drugs including opiates, diuretics, and some cancer drugs may also cause constipation.
Bowel Obstruction
Bowel obstruction is a complete or partial gastrointestinal tract blockage that stops food and blood flow to the bowels. This can completely stop healthy bowel movements from taking place. More often than not, it is caused by your dog eating a foreign object. Bowel obstructions are very dangerous and painful for your dog. A vet should be contacted immediately if you believe your dog suffers from a bowel obstruction.

Symptoms of Dog Constipation
It won't be hard for owners to tell if they have a constipated dog. When a dog is constipated, the first and most prominent symptom is the lack of defecation for over two days. Another sign of constipation is if your dog passes hard, dry stools that look like rocks. Typically, your dog will show signs of discomfort and pain when passing these hardened stools.
A dog that is constipated will strain to defecate. Other times, constipation may lead to blood in the stool or tiny stools that do not match how much your dog ate. These circumstances are usually harrowing. Some symptoms, such as discomfort when defecating, can indicate a urinary tract infection. Elderly pets are more likely to struggle with constipation and require more fiber and hydration to keep bowel movements regular.
Prevention of Dog Constipation
Think of preventative measures for constipation in dogs much as you do in humans. Your dog needs exercise, hydration, and fiber. It's essential to provide your dog with regular workouts (long walks or runs, doggy park dates, etc.), give it regular potty breaks, and always make sure it drinks enough water (adding a hint of beef or chicken broth to your dog's water will promote more drinking). Try adding some ingredients that are rich in fiber and suitable for dogs. Ensuring a healthy fiber intake will do wonders.
Wheatgerm, kale, broccoli, milled flaxseed, carrots, hemp protein, kelp, canned food, pumpkin, blueberries, and apples also contain good fiber. Adding these ingredients to your dog's diet can help prevent constipation. Canned pumpkin, in particular, is a trendy and easy way to boost fiber in your dog's diet.
We cannot preach the benefits of Probiotics enough! They can be used as a daily supplement to help keep a dog's immune and digestive systems healthy. Probiotics are suitable for the overall quality of health of dogs, so owners should implement them into their dog's diet regardless. Processed foods are bad for dogs (they aren't great for humans either). Avoid giving your dog table heavily processed food, such as cereal, cheese, milk, bread, cookies, and potato chips. Processed dog food has the same effect on dogs as junk food has on us humans.
Most nutrients in dry, kibble, or dog food are lost during processing. This process creates various forms of carcinogens that could be damaging to your dog's long-term health. Speak with your vet about the type of dog food your dog eats if constipation is a constant problem for your pet.
Home Remedies for Constipation in Dogs
There are various home remedies for dog constipation. If your dog is constipated, owners should first make sure their pet has enough fiber in its diet and is properly hydrated. Most of the time, increasing fiber and water in canned dog food will fix the issue within days. An increase in exercise will also do the trick in many cases.

Sometimes, the dog is so constipated that water and fiber don't help. If the dog still doesn't get the job done after three days of increased fiber and fresh water, owners can add a little oil to the dog's diet like home remedies for dog constipation olive oil. Healthy fats like olive and organic coconut oil for dog constipation can lubricate the dog's digestive tract. Owners can give a small dog one teaspoon of oil per 10 pounds, while a large dog can get one tablespoon. Mix the oil into the food twice a day. This should help promote or influence healthy bowel movement.
Along with other healthy oils, CBD oil is one of our highly recommended natural remedies for dog constipation. CBD (or cannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found in large concentrations in hemp plants. It supports the endocannabinoid system (or ECS) by interacting with the body's cannabinoid receptors.
The ECS regulates the body's primary functions. It maintains homeostasis—or overall stability and proper functioning—in almost all mammals. By supporting this system, CBD helps support proper digestion and can alleviate upset stomachs. Aside from its ability to support digestion and relieve upset tummies, CBD oil also calms your dog's mood, helping it relax. To help your dog experience the benefits of CBD, try mixing their recommended dose into their food bowl or applying it to a soft treat or two.
There are no current official dosing recommendations for CBD. But luckily, we at HolistaPet have carefully developed our dosing guide. We generally recommend 0.25 mg per lb. of body weight for a regular dose or 0.5 mg per lb. for a more potent dose. To learn more about recommended CBD dosing, visit our handy CBD Dosing Chart.
Emollient laxatives, or "stool softeners ," stool softener for dogs home remedies may also improve the situation. Many emollient laxatives contain docusate, an agent that helps moisten and loosen stool, enabling a healthy bowel movement. Owners can find laxatives for constipation at many pet stores.
Psyllium Seeds
Psyllium seeds are among the best remedies for dog constipation. They are a fiber that can help aid diarrhea and constipation. They come in many forms — like cereals, baked goods, powdered dietary supplements, and more — and can be eaten by humans and pups. Once ingested, the seeds absorb water in the digestive tract (specifically, the intestines). They then form a kind of paste that can help normalize stool.
Vets often recommend psyllium seed supplements if your dog isn't exhibiting symptoms outside of constipation because they're an excellent home remedy for mild cases. Generally, it's recommended that you give your dog one teaspoon of psyllium per 5 lbs. of body weight.
Ginger and Broth
Ginger has been used in medicine for thousands of years. It has many medicinal properties, which include the ability to relieve upset stomachs. But did you know it can help your dog's constipation, too? If your dog is feeling queasy or experiencing constipation, you can try giving them ginger broth to help. Ginger will help soothe the stomach, while broth will help hydrate your dog and encourage positive bowel movements.
Mix a hefty ginger powder pinch with chicken or beef broth to cook up this home remedy. Alternatively, you can add ginger to your dog's daily diet to help encourage positive digestive functioning. Vets recommend administering no more than 10 - 25 mg per lb. of body weight.
Fig Paste
Figs are an excellent remedy for human constipation, so it's no surprise they can make dogs feel better, too. A 2011 study showed that figs effectively increased stool production for beagles, thus relieving canine constipation. This is because they're so high in fiber. Another benefit of using figs to help ease constipation is that they're easy to feed to most dogs — they're soft and delicious, too!
Since they're so high in fiber, it's crucial that you only give your dog one or two per week. Too many figs may upset your dog's digestive tract and cause them to experience diarrhea. Fig plants also contain ficin, which can be unsafe for dogs to ingest in larger quantities. Because of this, it's critical that you only feed your dog washed fig fruits or fig supplements that are specifically made for dogs. You should never feed your dog other parts of the fig plant.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Does apple cider vinegar for constipation in dogs helps? Apple cider vinegar is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. It has anti-swelling properties, and research has shown that it can help relieve internal and external discomfort. Adding a small amount to your dog's food or water bowl can help calm their upset stomach and reduce any irritation caused by their constipation. This relief may help to encourage a positive bowel movement.
You must only give your dog a small amount — you shouldn't administer more than one tablespoon per 50 lbs. of your pet's body weight, no more than twice a week. While apple cider vinegar has excellent benefits, it can irritate if used too often or if it's not diluted or mixed into another substance before consumption.
Can I Use Milk For Dog Constipation?
Since many dogs are lactose intolerant, some believe that milk is a good natural remedy for dog constipation. While it may appear a laxative, using milk is not on the list of remedies for dog constipation. It can be counteractive. Adding milk to your dog's diet can cause diarrhea and other health issues. If you want to try using a laxative to help your dog, purchasing one specifically for dogs is best.
What About Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is commonly hailed as an excellent sunburn remedy and topical product for older dogs, but can you use it to help with dog constipation? While aloe vera can trigger diarrhea and regurgitation in dogs, we don't recommend that you use it as a remedy for constipation. It's considered mildly to moderately toxic for dogs and can make them feel worse than they already do when constipated.
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Visit Your Vet
Extreme cases of constipation will require medical intervention. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog's constipation is severe. Owners should speak to their vet if the above methods are not working. A vet may need to remove hardened feces manually. In rare cases, surgery is necessary. A vet may also prescribe more potent drugs to block the production of certain enzymes and fix the issue.

Final Thoughts
Dog constipation is frustrating and painful, and no owner wants to see their pet suffering from something that should come naturally. Unfortunately, your dog cannot tell you how its stomach feels, but attentive owners should notice if their pet hasn't defecated in two days. A constipated dog is an unhappy dog. Sometimes, defecation occurs in tiny, hard pebbles that may have blood trails.
Since owners pick up after their pets' stools daily, they should be able to discern whether or not something seems off. Natural remedies for dog constipation typically alleviate the issue without a visit to the vet. The most common problem is dehydration or lack of fiber; both are easy to solve. If you notice that none of the above home remedies work for your pet, please see a vet immediately.
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