Cat Losing Hair On Ears: 6 Reasons Your Feline's Fur Is Falling Out

Cat Losing Hair On Ears: 6 Reasons Your Feline's Fur Is Falling Out
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If you notice hair loss on your cat's head or around its ears, you may become concerned about the change. If that is the case, it is a good idea to learn as much as possible about why this may have happened. There are several reasons for a cat losing hair on ears, many of which you'll be glad to hear are treatable with the right knowledge.


If you're concerned about bald patches on your cat and would like to try to figure out why they have shown up, you've come to the best place. Pet lovers can rejoice knowing that we have their back, and this guide is our way of showing it! To get down to the cause of your pet's hair loss, read further, and you'll be set with everything you need to know!



Is It Normal for Cats to Lose Hair Around the Ears?

There are many different reasons why a cat might develop hair loss. Some of these reasons may be hereditary, and some may be acquired through the environment. Hereditary hair loss is not uncommon, although it is usually not ideal in most breeds. Hereditary loss is caused by a cats genetics and usually can not be easily prevented.

While also not necessarily abnormal, Acquired hair loss may have some causes that may be potentially concerning. Usually acquired loss comes from irritants in the environment leading to a cat itching, scratching, biting, and doing anything they can to scratch that bothersome itch! Just like with a human scratching a mosquito bite too frequently, a cat experiencing a really strong itch might take to excessive scratching that may break the skin or even cause irritation leading to the cat's fur falling out.


In any case, hair loss should be investigated to ensure that the reasons behind the bald spots are not overly abnormal or dangerous. Sometimes finding the cause can take a little work, but it's worth it to find out whether you should be concerned or not because generally, hair loss in cats is a sign of some underlying cause.


Possible Causes For Cats Losing Hair On Their Ears

Cat hair loss can have many root causes. If your cat loses hair around its ears, this could be for many of the same reasons that bald spots form on other areas of your cat's body. However, there may also be some specific factors that could cause hair loss to manifest, specifically in the area around the ears. Some possible reasons why a cat may experience more than normal hair loss may be:



Also referred to as feline scabies, or Notoedres cati., mange is a parasitic mite. These mites burrow under the skin, creating itchy spots an affected cat is likely to scratch for relief. The ears are a common spot that mites will target, so often, hair loss will occur at this site. Mange is contagious and spreads itself quickly when not treated. Mange will be identifiable by crusted scabs with an appearance similar to eczema. These crusts can cause a great deal of hair loss if left untreated.



Fleas may be another reason why your cat has thinning hair. Flea saliva is highly irritating and will cause skin inflammation in affected cats. The ears and top of your cat's head are the most vulnerable places for tick bites, so hair loss around the ears from fleas is not uncommon. Fleas can usually be identified by their physical appearance or potentially from the droppings they leave behind.



Food Allergy

Sudden hair loss may result from a food allergy. It's even possible that your cat could have developed an allergy to a food they have been eating for quite some time. An allergic reaction can result in serious hair loss and even significant skin irritation.



Chronic Stress

A stressed cat might experience hair loss if they are overly anxious or experiencing stress for a prolonged period. Stress can be less obvious to identify than physical causes but can still result in noticeable hair loss. A cat might comfort itself with excessive grooming when stressed, eventually leading to bald spots.




This name is a bit misleading, as Ringworm is an itchy fungal infection. Ringworm lives in hair follicles and feeds on dead cells to thrive. This infection causes the hair shafts to break away, sometimes leaving crusty, irritated skin behind. Ringworm is highly contagious and may spread easily from other cats.



Ear Mites

Ear mites cause severe itching and can result in hair loss around your cat's ears and other affected areas. This condition is  contagious and will often be passed between cats. An ear mite infection will appear as itchy, red, irritated skin and hair loss around the ears due to itching.






Skin Conditions Related To Hair loss 

Various conditions can cause bald patches. Some reasons for this kind of hair loss might be from a skin disease or other skin conditions. Some possible things that might be irritating your cat's skin can include:


  • Severe Cat Acne: Hormonal imbalance (or just dirty ears!) can also potentially encourage hair loss. A cat experiencing abnormal hormone levels is likely more susceptible to bouts of severe acne. Many cats may experience cat acne at some point in their lives, but most of the time, this should not result in any significant hair loss. However, hair loss is a possibility if your cat begins over grooming the areas where it is affected by acne. 
  • Dermatitis: Dermatitis can be triggered by various environmental factors but generally can be considered an array of skin allergies. This condition may be just an underlying cause of many other skin problems and hair loss. Dermatitis can also result from a reaction to environmental irritants like dust, mold, or the cat's exposure to certain foods.


Common Signs Of Skin Conditions 

To identify the signs of a skin condition, some basic signs can be helpful to keep in mind:


  • Head shaking
  • Excessive licking
  • Excessive scratching
  • Dry skin
  • Dull fur
  • Scabs
  • Dandruff



Finding The Problem 

Taking a closer look is crucial in identifying the problem your cat is experiencing. Sometimes giving your pet's coat a good comb-through is a good way to find problem areas. Separating the fur and getting a closer look at your cat's skin can help you see for yourself if the skin seems irritated for any reason. After identifying the irritation, you can attempt to soothe and investigate the problematic areas by giving your pet a gentle bath.


Products containing oatmeal, vitamin E, Aloe vera, and other natural ingredients all make for great options when dealing with a cat who is open to the idea of a little bath. For fur loss caused by overly itchy, irritated skin, this can serve to greatly reduce the irritation, relieving some of your cat's discomfort and potentially giving the skin and fur time to heal. Providing some relaxing time for your cat can make it easier for you to take the time you need to investigate the issue, this way, you can be sure you are identifying all of the potential issues.



Treatment Options

Luckily, various treatment options are available for treating the common problems listed above. Each issue may have varying ways to treat the root cause of the irritation, but many ways to relieve the irritation can be used to treat various other issues as well. Some available treatment options include:


  • Topical ointments
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Lime sulfur dips
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Hypoallergenic shampoos
  • CBD Shampoo/topicals
  • Antifungal shampoos


Holistapet's CBD for cat products can also provide assistance to calm and reduce irritation or stress. CBD can be mixed into various products, making it adaptable to any skincare regimen intended to reduce swollen, irritated, red spots. When applied to the skin through a shampoo or conditioner, CBD works to ease swelling and physical sensations of discomfort so your pet can enjoy relief from the constant itching and irritation.


CBD oil for cats or treats can also be given to a pet to lower the emotional stress of experiencing physical discomfort. CBD can also potentially provide relief for cats experiencing hair loss resulting from chronic anxiety. Your cat can benefit from CBDs soothing effects in either situation, and Holistapet provides the highest quality available.


Holistapet's CBD Cat treats are made exclusively with all-natural ingredients and contain real Salmon, so your kitty is sure to enjoy munching down! Our CBD oil is made with hemp seed oil, so your cat's coat will see the full benefit of this amazing superfood.



Will the Hair Grow Back?

In most cases, a cat suffering from bald patches or general hair loss will recover with the proper attention. In most cases where the cause of hair loss is properly treated, hair growth should resume within seven to ten days. If you keep your cat happy and healthy while providing the necessary treatment, then all you must do is wait, and your cat's coat should be back to its former glory in no time.


Prevention Tips

The best advice one can give regarding skin issues is to try to avoid them before they begin. Maintaining a clean environment for your cat the easiest and most effective way to prevent skin issues. It is equally necessary to be aware of the food you give your cat, avoiding ingredients commonly known to cause allergic reactions.


Grooming your cat can also help you keep closer track of your pet's coat condition. The more often you do this, the earlier you are likely to identify the emergence of a problem. Aside from that, grooming can help remove some potential irritants while giving you some quality time with your pet!


CBD can also be a good method to prevent hair loss by providing your pet with many nutrients essential for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Keeping your pet on a consistent CBD regimen can also help lower their overall stress, making the likelihood of an irritation coming from anxiety less likely.






Final Thoughts - Cat Losing Hair On Ears

A cat losing its hair can be stressful for all parties involved. It can be extremely uncomfortable for the cat to go through a long period with irritated skin, and for owners, it is disheartening to see your loved one's beautiful coat reduced. There are many reasons why a cat might lose hair on its ears, but luckily there are many ways to combat this hair loss, provided you are informed.


Taking preventative measures should reduce the likelihood of this occurring or reoccurring. Hopefully now if your cat suffers from hair loss, you'll be better equipped and have the knowledge to take care of these issues before they become dangerous.

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