
12 Common Dog Behavior Issues + Suggested Solutions

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Is your pup driving you barking mad? We feel you. Dog behavioral issues can be a challenge for many pet owners. However, with the right information and a lot of patience, you can successfully curb that bad dog behavior.


From aggressive tendencies to excessive barking, each abnormal behavior has its unique causes and solutions. In this guide, we'll discuss the 12 most common dog behavior problems and how you can beat them. Plus, we'll share how CBD may be a versatile ingredient to keep your pup zen in any situation. Read on to find out how your furry friend can thrive as a well-adjusted companion.



Are Behavioral Problems In Dogs Common?

Yes, canine behavioral problems are quite common. Many dogs, no matter their age or breed, will likely exhibit bad behavior at some point. Pet parents often encounter issues like attention-seeking behavior, destructive chewing, and canine aggression.


A variety of factors can cause these behavior problems. It can be from fear of being alone, lack of training, insufficient early socialization, or underlying health problems.


When dog owners know what's causing their pets to act out, they can take the appropriate steps. They may try to address the problem head-on or seek help from a veterinarian or a professional trainer. There are many ways to work on a dog's undesirable behavior. Let's discuss some of these behavioral issues in the next sections.



1. Separation Anxiety

sad lonely beagal dog resting its head on a wooden table. dog is staring waiting for is owner.


Some dogs can become worried or upset when left alone. They may show antsy or worrisome behaviors whenever you get ready to leave the house. This emotional distress can lead to destructive behavior like chewing, digging, or excessive barking.



Several factors can contribute to a dog's distress. They include:


  • Insufficient Socialization and Exposure. A dog's lack of exposure to different environments, people, and other animals during their early life stages may lead to anxious behaviors.
  • Sudden Changes in Environment or Routine. A new home, a different schedule, or any big shift in a dog's routine may trigger worry and negative thoughts.
  • Previous Traumatic Experiences. Negative experiences, such as abandonment or repeated rehoming, can contribute to this problem behavior.


Suggested Solutions

Addressing this behavior problem in dogs involves creating a stable environment for them. You can try the following techniques:


  • Build Their Confidence. Gradually increase your pup's alone time to help build their courage and confidence.
  • Provide Mental Stimulation. Offer toys, puzzles, and activities to keep your furry friend busy and distracted while you're away.
  • Try CBD for Dogs. CBD (cannabidiol) interacts with a dog's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This important system plays a key role in regulating their sleep, mood, and responses to stressors. By working with the ECS, CBD may promote a sense of calm and relaxation in dogs. It may also support overall emotional balance and encourage normal behavior in our canine companions.



2. Aggressive Dog

Aggressive behavior in dogs can manifest as growling, barking, or biting. This problem behavior can target other pets or people. It's important to address canine aggression right away to guarantee a safe environment for everyone.



Dog aggression can stem from various causes. These reasons include:


  • Lack of Socialization and Exposure. Dogs that lack socialization and exposure to different situations may react aggressively in the presence of unfamiliar people and other animals.
  • Fear or Worry. Pets with low confidence or previous negative experiences may show aggressive tendencies whenever they feel threatened.
  • Health Problems. Underlying health issues can make dogs irritable and more prone to aggressive behaviors.


Suggested Solutions

The first step to managing dog aggression is to find out the root cause. And then, you can try the following approaches:


  • Hire a Professional Trainer. A professional dog trainer can help tame aggressive dogs. They typically use positive reinforcement and behavior modification techniques.
  • Provide Physical and Mental Stimulation. Enough physical and mental exercise may reduce a dog's boredom. When they are busy, canines are less likely to exhibit aggressive behaviors.
  • Try CBD for Dogs. Using CBD for dogs, which has a calming effect, may help promote relaxation and ease aggressive tendencies.



3. Barking Excessively

Excessive barking is a common canine behavior problem that can be frustrating for pet owners and neighbors. Aside from the noise it creates, this bad habit can point to more serious issues.



Dogs may bark excessively for many different reasons. Some possible causes include:


  • Boredom. Pets that lack mental or physical stimulation may bark out of boredom.
  • Attention-Seeking Behavior. Sometimes, a dog barks to get their owner's attention. They tend to repeat this behavior when they get their desired results.
  • Alarm or Fear. Dogs may excessively bark when they feel scared by other dogs, unfamiliar sounds, strange environments, or new people.


Suggested Solutions

Addressing excessive barking involves understanding and managing the triggers. Pet owners can try the following strategies:


  • Provide Physical and Mental Stimulation. Provide more opportunities for exercise and mental challenges to help reduce boredom-induced barking.
  • Ignore Attention-Seeking Barking. Avoid responding to barking for attention. Instead, reward your dog for being quiet and showing the desired behavior.
  • Consistently Train. Use rewards to train your dog to be quiet on command. Be consistent in your response to barking so as not to confuse your pup.



4. Chewing Objects and Furniture

dog chewing on couch cushion


Destructive chewing is a common issue that often leaves dog owners scratching their heads. This destructive behavior can cause serious damage to the home and can be a sign of underlying issues.



Several factors can cause a dog's destructive chewing habits. They include:


  • Teething. Young dogs, especially puppies, often chew to relieve the discomfort they feel when they're teething.
  • Boredom. Pets that are not mentally or physically stimulated may chew a lot to entertain themselves.
  • Stressful Situations. When worried or upset, dogs may chew excessively as a way to cope.


Suggested Solutions

Dogs need healthier outlets and calmer environments to avoid destructive chewing. You can try the following techniques:


  • Offer Chew Toys. A chew toy can be a great way to satisfy your dog's natural chewing instincts without damaging household items.
  • Encourage Mental and Physical Activity. Engage your furry friend in regular exercise. Also, provide interactive toys to keep them mentally stimulated.
  • Provide Training and Supervision. Monitor your dog and use yummy rewards to teach them what is okay to chew on and what is not.



5. Loss of Appetite

Loss of appetite can be concerning for many pet parents. Worse, it can indicate a more serious underlying issue. This problem behavior requires close observation and timely action.



Several factors can contribute to a loss of appetite in dogs. They include:


  • Changes and Other Stressors. Changes in their environment or routine, or the presence of new people or animals, can make a dog nervous and cause them to eat less.
  • Health Issues. Underlying health problems, such as dental discomfort or gastrointestinal conditions, can reduce a dog's appetite.
  • Dietary Adjustments. Sudden changes in a dog's food or feeding schedule can temporarily cause a loss of appetite.


Suggested Solutions

Understanding the root cause of your dog's appetite loss is important. Then, you can act accordingly. Here are some suggestions:


  • Ensure a Calm Environment. To reduce stressors during meals, make sure your furry buddy eats in a quiet, peaceful area.
  • Go for Regular Vet Checkups. Schedule regular veterinary visits to rule out any health issues that might be affecting your dog's appetite.
  • Try CBD for Dogs. CBD options may help promote appetite. CBD may soothe dogs facing distress or health issues, allowing them to focus on eating instead of physical discomfort. A comforted and calmer demeanor may help encourage regular eating habits.



6. Digging

Digging is a natural behavior for dogs. However, it can become problematic when it leads to damaged property. Understanding why your dog digs is important to address this behavior problem effectively.



Dogs may dig for different reasons. They include:


  • Boredom. Bored dogs that don't get enough exercise and stimulation may dig to entertain themselves.
  • Seeking Comfort and Warmth. Canines often dig to create a comfortable resting spot. This happens a lot during hot weather.
  • Hunting Instincts. Some breeds have a natural instinct to dig in search of small animals or insects.


Suggested Solutions

Pet owners must provide appropriate outlets and manage their surroundings to address digging issues. Try these methods:


  • Provide Exercise and Mental Stimulation. Increase their physical activity and offer them interactive toys to engage your pup's mind and body.
  • Pick a Designated Digging Area. Encourage your dog to dig in a specific area of the yard. You can do so by burying toys or treats in the designated area.
  • Redirect Their Actions. Watch your dog outdoors and redirect their digging behavior to the designated area. Offer high-value rewards to encourage the desired behavior.



7. Begging

Is your dog soliciting food during mealtimes? While it might seem harmless (sometimes even cute), this begging tendency can lead to unhealthy eating habits and reinforce bad behavior.



Several factors contribute to dogs' begging behavior during mealtime. They include:


  • Reinforcement. When pets receive table scraps during mealtimes, they learn to associate begging with rewards.
  • Hunger or Poor Diet. Dogs that are hungry or lack nutrients from their diet may beg for more food.
  • Seeking Your Attention. Some dogs beg to get attention from their owners, especially if it results in positive interaction.


Suggested Solutions

You need consistency and discipline to stop your dog from begging for food. The following strategies might help:


  • Ignore Their Begging. Do not give food or attention whenever your dog begs. Only reward them when they are calm and quiet.
  • Follow Their Feeding Schedule. Make sure your dog has a consistent feeding routine with balanced meals. Proper nutrition can help stop them from soliciting more food.
  • Provide Proper Training. Make sure your dog sits at a specific spot during mealtimes. Reward them with treats and praise for staying there quietly.



8. Leash Pulling

dog forcefully pulling owner on its leash


Does your dog pull on their leash during walks? This bad habit may make it difficult for you to control them. Dog walks can become unpleasant and even dangerous for both you and your pup.



Leash pulling can happen for different reasons. Among them are:


  • Excitement. Dogs may pull on their leash because they're very excited to go on their walk.
  • Lack of Training. Without proper leash training in their earlier life stages, adult dogs may not understand how to walk calmly beside their owners.
  • Reaching a Destination. Pets often pull their leash because they want to reach a specific place immediately, such as a park or another dog.


Suggested Solutions

Dog owners can correct their pets' unwanted walking habits with proper training and tools. Here are some techniques you can try:


  • Use Proper Equipment. Invest in a no-pull harness. This type of harness can help reduce pulling by redirecting your pup's movement.
  • Provide Training and Rewards. Teach your dog to walk calmly beside you. Use treats and praise as rewards for good behavior.
  • Always Practice. Regularly practice leash training in a variety of environments. Doing so can reinforce the correct behavior regardless of the situation.



9. Excessive Jumping

Some dogs jump on people to greet them or ask for attention. While some people might find this behavior cute, it can be dangerous, especially for children and the elderly.



A few things can explain a dog's jumping behavior. They typically include:


  • Excitement and Attention-Seeking. Dogs often jump when they are overly excited or want to get attention from people.
  • Lack of Training. Without proper training, our canine companions may not understand that jumping is bad behavior.
  • Reinforcement. If a constantly jumping dog gets rewarded with attention or treats, they will continue the behavior.


Suggested Solutions

Training and positive reinforcement can help curb this jumping behavior in dogs. Try the following techniques:


  • Ignore the Behavior. Turn away and ignore your dog whenever they jump. Only give them attention when they are calm and on the ground.
  • Encourage Alternative Behaviors. Train your furry friend to sit or stay when greeting people. Reward them for following these commands.
  • Be Consistent. All family members and visitors must follow the same rules and only reward the dog when they greet appropriately.



10. House Soiling

When dogs eliminate indoors, pet owners can find it frustrating. Understanding the reasons behind this unwanted behavior is key to addressing it effectively.



Several factors can contribute to dogs' house soiling. They include:


  • Lack of Training. Dogs without proper training may not understand where it is appropriate to go potty.
  • Health Issues. Underlying medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections or gastrointestinal problems, can cause potty accidents indoors.
  • Changes and Stressors. Changes in their environment or routine can make pets nervous. Their anxious responses can lead to house soiling.


Suggested Solutions

To solve your pup's house soiling issues, first figure out the root cause. Then, you can try these options:


  • Train Your Dog. Reinforce house training by taking your dog outside frequently and rewarding them for eliminating in the appropriate spot.
  • Visit Your Veterinarian. Take your pup to the vet for a thorough checkup to ensure there are no underlying health issues.
  • Follow a Routine. Establish consistent feeding and potty schedules to develop regular bathroom habits in your dog.



11. Fears and Phobias

scared dog hiding beneath bed


A dog's fears and phobias can manifest as trembling, hiding, or excessive barking. Understanding the reasons behind these worries is crucial to helping your dog overcome them.



Dogs may become fearful due to different reasons. They include:


  • Lack of Exposure and Socialization. Dogs that were not exposed to various experiences, people, and animals during their formative months may develop fears later in life.
  • Traumatic Experiences. Negative past experiences can lead to long-lasting phobias in canines.
  • Genetics. Some dogs may be more prone to fear due to their genetic makeup.


Suggested Solutions

You can help your furry friend overcome their fears with patience and gradual desensitization. Try the following strategies:


  • Ensure Gradual Exposure. Slowly expose your dog to their fears in a controlled and positive way.
  • Practice Positive Reinforcement. Reward your dog whenever they exhibit calm behavior in the face of fear-inducing stimulus.
  • Try CBD for Dogs. CBD may help ease fears and nervousness by promoting relaxation and calming worries through CBD's interaction with the ECS.



12. Hyperactivity

Hyperactivity in dogs can manifest as excessive energy, restlessness, and an inability to calm down. This behavior problem can be challenging for dog owners to manage.



Dogs may become hyperactive due to various reasons. They include:


  • A Dog's Breed. Some breeds are naturally more energetic and require more physical and mental stimulation.
  • Lack of Exercise. Dogs that lack physical activity may become hyperactive due to all their pent-up energy.
  • Boredom. Without enough mental stimulation, pets may exhibit hyperactive behaviors to entertain themselves.


Suggested Solutions

Hyperactive pups need healthy outlets for their stored energy. Some suggestions include:


  • Increase Physical Activity. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise through daily walks, runs, and playtime.
  • Provide Mental Stimulation. Offer interactive toys and engage in training sessions to challenge your pup's mind.
  • Try CBD for Dogs. CBD may help to destimulate overactive pups by promoting relaxation and calm.



Tips for Dealing with Behavioral Problems in Dogs

Addressing dog behavioral issues can be challenging for many pet owners. But with the right approach, you can help your furry buddy become well-behaved and happy. Here are some practical tips for you to try:


  • Consistency Is Key. Make sure everyone in the household follows the same rules and training methods for your dog. Consistency helps your pet understand the right actions.
  • Positive Reinforcement. Reward your dog with treats, praise, or playtime when they exhibit desired behaviors. This strategy encourages them to repeat good behavior.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation. Provide enough physical and mental activities to keep your dog engaged and busy. Activities can help reduce boredom-induced behavior problems.
  • Professional Help. If you encounter persistent issues, don't hesitate to ask for help from a vet, professional dog trainer, or animal behaviorist. They can offer personalized solutions and support.
  • The Right Tools and Products. Invest in tools like no-pull harnesses, interactive toys, and calming CBD products to help manage and correct behavior problems effectively.
  • Patience and Understanding. Behavioral changes take time. Be patient and understanding with your dog as they learn and adapt to new routines and expectations.



How May CBD Help Dog Behavioral Issues?

Holistapet CBD items for dogs


CBD is potentially an effective aid for managing canine behavioral problems. It works by interacting with dogs' endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate their sleep, mood, responses, and overall well-being. CBD may promote a sense of calm and relaxation in our canine friends, making it easier to manage their anxious or hyperactive behaviors.


Did you know that HolistaPet is the #1 dog CBD supplier in the US? We offer a range of CBD products to support your pet's needs:



All our CBD products use high-quality, broad-spectrum CBD. This means there's no THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the mind-altering compound in cannabis, in any of our offerings. Your furry friend can reap CBD's relaxing benefits without any unwanted mental effects.


Our products are also all-natural, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-GMO, third-party lab-tested, and vet-approved. Visit our shop to learn more about our different pet wellness products.


Benefits of CBD for Dog Behavioral Issues

CBD offers several benefits that help address unwanted behavior in dogs. These benefits include:


  • Calming and Relaxing Effects. CBD can help reduce anxious behaviors in dogs, promoting a calmer demeanor.
  • May Soothe Physical Discomforts. CBD's soothing properties can help alleviate discomfort, making dogs more comfortable and less irritable.
  • May Promote Rest and Sleep. CBD can support better sleep patterns and promote restful nights for dogs that have trouble sleeping.
  • May Promote Appetite. CBD may stimulate appetite in dogs, helping those who are reluctant to eat due to fears or worries.
  • May Ease Fear. CBD can help reduce fear responses in dogs, helping them cope better with phobias and stressful situations.



Final Thoughts - Dog Behavioral Issues

Understanding and addressing behavior problems in our canine companions is crucial to building a harmonious relationship with them. Through lots of patience, the right strategies, and consistency, you can help your furry friend overcome these challenges and thrive in life.


For added support, HolistaPet offers a variety of quality CBD products to support your pup's mood and overall well-being. Getting some expert help from a vet or trainer is a good idea, too. Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Knowing your pup well is key!

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