Can Dogs Get High: Effects & Dangers Of CBD For Dogs

Can dogs get high


Are you familiar with CBD? If you are, maybe you’re aware that it comes from cannabis. Since it comes from cannabis, many people think that CBD gets consumers high. However, the fact is that CBD does not get people high. But what about our pets? Do dogs get high from CBD? Before we answer this, let's look and see if dogs can even get high.



Can Dogs Get High?

As cannabis legalization spreads throughout the states, more and more people will start openly smoking it in and around their homes. Cannabis contains THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which gets consumers high. It's important to remember, however, that pups can be affected by the THC as well — and not in the funny way you might expect.


Dogs can get high. They often experience being high more intensely than humans do. But they also experience it much differently. Unlike people, being high can be a distressing experience for dogs. They won't understand why they are suddenly experiencing reality differently, whether it be how they think or feel.



Smoking cannabis around a dog can result in them getting a "contact high." That's especially true if they are in the same room as you when you smoke. It's even more probable if the room is small and there is no ventilation. Dogs can get high from being around cannabis smoke, which can lead to stress. Canines with preexisting respiratory diseases, like bronchitis, may even have trouble breathing. It's advised that you don't blow smoke in your dog's face!



What usually leads to dogs getting high is ingesting cannabis. If you have some cannabis flowers, edibles, or other products lying around, dogs may sniff them out and eat some. Consuming cannabis can lead to much more potent side effects. It's advised that dogs who eat cannabis be taken to the vet! But how can you tell if your dog has gotten into your stash?



Squinting dog



Why Are Dogs So Sensitive to THC?

Dogs are more sensitive to THC because they have more cannabinoid receptors in their brains than we do. This means that the effects of cannabis often feel more amplified and intense for dogs than they do for humans. Vets have found that dogs are approximately ten times more sensitive to THC than humans because of their receptors.



This means that a small amount of THC suitable for a human may potentially be too much for your pet. They'll experience symptoms much more intensely, and since they can't communicate as we do, they won't be able to ask for help. This can make them feel confused and fearful and is a good reason you should keep THC products out of reach of your pets.



Can Consuming Marijuana Kill My Dog?

Marijuana can be fatal to your dog if marijuana use is consumed in a highly concentrated and large amount. However, if your dog ingests small amounts of marijuana, it shouldn't be fatal. You should bring your dog to the vet for supportive care if you believe your dog is experiencing accidental exposure to marijuana smoke. This is especially important if you're unsure how much marijuana plant that they consumed.



Please note that in severe cases, high doses of THC from marijuana ingestion can lead to unconsciousness and other serious sicknesses. If you believe your dog has ingested marijuana or may be experiencing marijuana poisoning, please visit your local emergency clinic for immediate medical attention and care.



What Marijuana Edibles or Products Are the Worst for Dogs To Consume?

The more potent the THC edible or product is, the worse it is for your dog to be ingesting marijuana. However, some edible ingredients are more dangerous than others for dogs to consume. Products and other edibles that have THC and other problematic ingredients are doubly bad for your canine to eat. These ingredients include:



  • Chocolate
  • Raisins or grapes
  • Macadamia nuts
  • Coffee or other caffeine products
  • Products sweetened with xylitol, an artificial sweetener
  • Alcohol



chocolates and grapes



These ingredients are not dog-safe in any product, and we highly suggest you keep them away from pups and other pets. Suppose your dog ate a THC product that contains any of these ingredients. In that case, we recommend you immediately bring them to the vet for medical attention or call emergency services for guidance.



Can a Dog Get High by Blowing Smoke in Their Ear?

Can dogs get high from blowing smoke in ear? No, they will not get high if you blow smoke in their ear. It is a myth that a dog's ear is only made up of a long canal that goes straight to their brain. A dog's auditory system is only slightly different from a human's. Do dogs have cannabinoid receptors in their ears? We have a much shorter ear canal, while a dog's is much longer and bends at a 90-degree angle before the eardrum, cochlea, and other parts of the ear.



If you continuously blow large amounts of smoke directly into your dog's ear, excess smoke is more likely to go into their face, towards their eyes, nose, and mouth. Since dogs have lungs similar to ours and absorb what they breathe like we do, they'll probably inhale tiny doses of the smoke instead. If you continue to harass your dog in this way, the excess smoke will eventually make them high and lead to possible sickness.



Can you get a dog high by blowing smoke in their ears or can blowing smoke in a dogs face kill them? Blowing cannabis smoke in your dog's face or ears is never recommended, nor is it a lovely thing to do. When you do this, you expose your dog to toxic secondhand smoke. Responsible pet owners need to know that secondhand smoke is still toxic to dogs, and you should avoid exposing them to it if possible.



What Happens When Dogs Get High?

If your dog ingests or inhales cannabis, you'll be able to notice some distinctly troublesome symptoms. The symptoms listed below will be noticeable within 30 to 90 minutes. These side effects usually last between 12 and 24 hours, depending on the dog's size and how much they consumed.



Side effects include: 

  • Walking with less balance or coordination
  • Falling over
  • Dilated pupils
  • Hypersensitive to touch
  • Easily frightened by sudden sounds and movements
  • Dribbling urine
  • Vomiting
  • Below normal body temperature
  • Low heart rate
  • Low blood pressure



If your pet ate an edible meal, there are some other concerns that you should be aware of. Many cannabis edibles are made with ingredients that can be harmful or toxic to animals. For instance, chocolate and the artificial sweetener Xylitol are toxic to canines. If you suspect your pup has eaten an edible with poisonous ingredients, immediately take them to the vet or animal hospital!



Pomeranian getting a check up



What To Do If Your Canine Gets High

These symptoms might be even more common and dramatic if your pup has eaten an edible. That's because there is anecdotal evidence there is more THC packed into edibles than dried weed. If you suspect that your puppy has eaten cannabis — including edibles and even topicals — a visit to the vet is highly recommended! Veterinary medicine will often employ treatments to get the THC out of their system. This decontamination treatment will minimize the side effects on your pup.



Your dog may also be given IV fluids or "heat support" to ensure it is hydrated and maintains the right body temperature. Vets may also use activated charcoal, a liquid that prevents THC from being absorbed into the dog's body. These treatments, along with supportive care, will ensure that your dog recovers much sooner. More medication may be required if your dog has an altered heart rate or blood pressure. Vets will need to be present to monitor your canine's vital signs.



Sometimes, they will even need oxygen therapy. A low oxygen level can lead to hypoxia, which requires supplemental oxygen to keep them conscious. If this happens to you, you must be honest with your vet and let them know what your dog has ingested. If you do not admit it's cannabis-related, your pup will need additional tests to find out what has caused their breathing problems and other symptoms. Sometimes, these tests can start adding up!



It's better to be honest and discuss what led to your canine ingesting cannabis. Your dog is relying on you to get the proper care for its health conditions and this specific incident. Veterinarians won't judge you or rat your dog trainer or you out. They want to ensure the dog is safe and provided with proper care



Can Dog Get High From CBD?

Although CBD comes from cannabis, by itself, CBD is not a drug capable of getting dogs or humans high. THC is the cannabinoid in cannabis that induces a high feeling. However, CBD is a non-psychoactive, naturally occurring cannabinoid in cannabis that has similar benefits to THC without the side effects of getting high.



CBD from hemp (Cannabis Sativa), which is a form of cannabis plant, is legal throughout the U.S. as long as it contains 0.3% THC or less. This tiny amount of THC can be beneficial. However, it is weed and will not make pups or humans high. CBD interacts with the cannabinoid receptors in your dog's endocannabinoid system (ECS), which controls the body's homeostasis. When CBD reacts with these receptors, it may level out your dog's mood and provide comfort and soothing qualities.



RELATED: Endocannabinoid System in Dogs & Cats Explained



Potential Side Effects of CBD for Dogs

Canines generally tolerate high-quality CBD products well. If side effects do arise, they will most likely go away once your pet's body becomes acquainted with CBD.



In addition, the potential side effects of CBD for dogs are pretty mild and may consist of:

  • drowsiness
  • dizziness/lightheaded
  • upset stomach
  • diarrhea



Also, if your pet is taking any medications or prescriptions, we advise you to talk to your veterinarian before administering CBD. It's best to ensure there are no complications between the two.



How To Give Dogs CBD

HolistaPet has formulated CBD-infused dog treats that help with a variety of ailments! If your dog seems nervous or tense, we have a green apple and peanut butter-flavored CBD treats enhanced with L-theanine and Chamomile. These treats are perfect for traveling, car rides, moving, and separation fears.



Formulated with turmeric root and boswellia, our pumpkin spice joint and mobility dog treats are a natural and organic way for two dogs to promote mobility or soothe joint tension. You'll notice that your dog's discomfort will reduce, allowing them to be more active and playful.



Cheef Botanicals also has CBD oil for dogs, which can be dropped onto or mixed into their food. We have created a dosage chart to help you provide your dog with the right amount of CBD. The amount will vary depending on your dog's body size and condition, but we generally recommend between 0.25 mg (regular dose) to 0.5 mg (strong dose) of CBD per every 1 lb of body weight.



Final Thoughts

CBD oil may provide your dog with the calming and soothing benefits of cannabis without the side effects of being high. Many people use CBD to help their canines feel less nervous and more relaxed. It's also great for dogs suffering from joint tension and other problems since it can offer comfort. You'll notice your canine feeling more confident and having more mobility with the proper amount of CBD!



Dogs getting high is no laughing matter. The side effects of a dog being high are much different than that of a human. We may feel silly or maybe a bit tired. But canines will become disoriented and confused, leading to panic and paranoia. They will sometimes have trouble breathing and must be rushed to the vet immediately.


But what if your pup has some health issues that you heard can be improved with cannabis? Could you provide them with CBD instead? Without THC, this cannabinoid will give your dog the same benefits without the harsh side effects. CBD is a non-psychoactive and natural addition to their daily meals or can be given as a treat. Either way, this is an alternative way to help boost your dog's mental state or help them deal with physical discomfort.

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