Dog Leg Pain Home Remedies – What You Need to Know

Dog Leg Pain Home Remedies – What You Need to Know
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Your dog may catch and endure all kinds of ailments throughout their lives. A common issue to look out for is chronic pain in your dog's joints. That's why most responsible pet owners should know some dog leg pain home remedies and other techniques to soothe their pets' discomforts when they come.


Sure, with a vet's approval, conventional pain medications paired with physical therapy is a tried and true method that'll lower pain relief and ease any dog injuries. But monitoring your dog's diet and exercise levels is among the many effective natural remedies to lower joint pain and support joint health that more people should try. It is important to learn the home remedies you can do as a first-aid treatment to relieve your dogs from the pain. While some leg pains would go away, others need some more attention. Keep reading to learn more about your dog's pain and how you can help.


Signs of Leg Pain in Dogs

Leg pain in dogs may occur due to a wide range of reasons; from common injuries, arthritis pain, torn ligaments, pulled leg muscles, sprains, and more. It could feel frustrating when you can't help them or when you see your canines suddenly changing their mood and behavior. Here are the common signs you will observe when your dog is suffering from leg pain:




Your Dog Suddenly Finds It Hard to Lay Down

If what used to be a simple task, like lying down, becomes too challenging for dogs with leg pain, it may be time to seek out professional advice. Typically when your dog is suffering from joint pain, they will make several false starts, go in circles, lie down, get back up, and repeat the process. This weird behavior may indicate your dog's arthritis may be affecting them. All of these actions are for pain management in those affected areas. While observing their cuddling patterns may not be the most obvious way to help your dog in relieving pain, it is. 


Your Dog Avoids Walking On Slippery Surfaces

Some dogs aren't fond of walking on slippery or uneven surfaces, such as vinyl or wood flooring. Uneven ground puts your pup's joint cartilage and cartilage health to the test. As an older dog ages, they may have restricted movement, causing them to not climb stairs or find ways to relieve pain in unique ways. You must suspect that something is wrong if it has only become an issue recently. You never know, but your dog's reluctance may already be due to leg pain.


Dogs use their nails for traction, especially on slippery surfaces. The pads on their feet's bottom are smooth and don't sweat, so they can only rely on their nails for a better grip. Healthy dogs won't find it hard to walk on slippery floors. They will use their balance and strength to keep an upright position or use whatever leg feels comfortable walking on.


It becomes a problem when more than one of their limbs is in pain. They cannot use them to compensate for the good legs when they slip. There are also times when neurological problems cause a dog's instability and weakness. This will make them further avoid walking on surfaces they know they will slip.


Your Dog Always Tries To Stand Up Or Use Their Front Legs To Support Their Weight

Most dogs use their rear legs first when standing up. They will typically support their weight with their rear legs and stretch the front legs before getting all the way up. This action becomes challenging when dogs feel pain in their hindquarters. 


To help themselves, they will try pulling their front legs first when standing up. This action is typically a sign that a dog is suffering from arthritis or hip dysplasia. Meanwhile, when your dog uses their front legs often to bear their weight, it can already be a sign that there is a problem with their lower back, hip, or knee.


Your Pet Is Having Trouble Sleeping

It's common for animals, including dogs, to have sleep disruptions when in pain. You may not notice the problem when they are awake since they can change the legs they are using, or they keep on moving to relieve their joints from pressure. However, leg pain in dogs causes all kinds of pressure on joints, causing them to become immobile during sleep. 


As a result, they will try sleeping for several hours, wake up, walk around, and regain comfort and blood flow in their legs before trying hard again to get back to sleep. Expect dogs with this sleeping pattern to nap during the daytime because they have become too exhausted from losing sleep during the night.


Your Dog Suddenly Becomes Aggressive Or Avoids Being Brushed Or Pet

Many dogs let other dogs know they are in pain by suddenly becoming aggressive. They do this, especially to other dogs they live with or often interact with. They'll snap, growl, or show their teeth, to warn the other dogs that they cannot tolerate at the moment the same actions they typically enjoy.


You will also know that the dog is in pain when they avoid actions they used to enjoy, such as being brushed, groomed, or petted. They may be avoiding too many movements and contact with painful body parts.


Possible Causes

Leg pain in dogs can affect one or multiple legs at once. It may come and go or something that has become constant. Leg pains can be worse during certain times of the day. It could be in the morning, at night, or after resting or walking. 


Here are the common possible causes why your dog may be suffering from leg pain:

  • Genetic problems
  • Nerve damage
  • A thorn or anything hard stuck in their paws
  • Exhaustion from over-exercising
  • Damaged or broken claw
  • Insect bites
  • Open wounds on their footpads
  • Elbow or hip dysplasia
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Inflammatory ailments
  • Arthritis
  • Infection
  • Dislocation, torn ligaments, or other leg trauma
  • Broken bones


Dog Leg Pain Home Remedies & Prevention

Always monitor certain signs that suggest your dog's feet are hurt or have leg pain to help understand the roots of the problem. Solving your dog's pain can take a lot of time. Natural home remedies paired with other natural supplements like maintaining a good diet and exercise routine have pain-relieving properties. They are a great way to support long-term dog health. 


Below is a shortlist that gets deeper into properly taking care of your pet so they're living their best. 


Watch Health

Pet parent to pet parent, you should constantly check your dog's health. First, make sure that their coat is pliable and glossy, and the skin is smooth without growths, scabs, or inflammation. Also, check their nose, ears, eyes, and mouth. Ensure that they regularly eliminate they have a normal temperature, heartbeat, and pulse. If you notice any irregularities and don't know what to do, always feel free to seek a consultation from a veterinarian. 


Healthy Weight

You have to ensure your dog is getting a balance between exercise and diet. If you are doing this, but your dog still seems to be under or overweight, you must monitor your pet for other underlying concerns. You can check if your dog is overweight by feeling their ribcage area. You must be able to feel ribs without too much fat in between.Do what you can to increase blood flow in your pet. Doing so will benefit your pup's health.


Proper Nutrition

Give your pets nutritious food during their mealtime. Make sure that the meal portions are appropriate for their body size. Refrain yourself from giving your dogs snacks in between meals. You wouldn't want them to become obese, leading to more serious health complications.


There are tons of all-natural remedies for dogs that reduce inflammation and have anti-inflammatory properties. Ingredients like turmeric are rich with antioxidants that may benefit their health when placed in your dog food. 


Adequate Exercise

It is recommended for most dogs to get half an hour to a couple of hours of exercise per day. It will depend on your dog's breed. Some dogs are more active than the other breeds, so they would require more time doing exercises.


Prescribed Medication

Your vet is the best go-to person to know the FDA-approved nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications that can help in reducing inflammation and controlling the pain of dogs with osteoarthritis. A vet is a great resource in giving general advice on everything from treating older dogs that develop arthritis to advising on avoiding kidney disease.


CBD As A Natural Alternative

Cannabidiol (CBD) oil comes from hemp plant extracts. The oil can help internally and externally through topical application. It works by activating your dog's endocannabinoid system, which helps in relieving inflammation and pain. It also has other health benefits for your canines. CBD helps in regulating your dog's appetite. It aids in their mobility and elevates their mood. It also helps your dogs sleep soundly and calm skin irritation and redness.


Where to Find CBD Products

Many pet owners have discovered the benefits of using CBD in treating their dogs and keeping them healthy. You will find many CBD products for dogs from physical stores and online pages from various sources. The most convenient and practical way of purchasing CBD is from online retailers like Holistapet. 




Why People Choose HolistaPet

HolistaPet is among the most recommended and highly regarded brands for CBD products for dogs. They've got almost everything, from CBD dog treats for joint care, calming relief, immune care, CBD shampoo, and many more. 


Unlike other brands, you are assured that their products do not contain fillers, additives, and harsh chemicals that may harm your pets in the long run. They only use all-natural ingredients and always keep your dog's safety and health on top of their priorities. Above everything else, Holistapet believes your dog deserves the highest-quality products to help them live their best. 


All of our products are tested for efficiency and quality via a third-party lab test to ensure our products are safe and contain the exact milligram dosage marketed on the label. Each of our product pages come with Certificates of Analysis (COAs), which are independent lab reports that break down every ingredient and the exact cannabinoid content of each of our CBD products.


Final Thoughts - Dog Leg Pain Home Remedies

You have to catch the signs and symptoms of leg pain in your dogs to give them suitable home remedies as soon as possible. Not doing so may only add to their discomfort and worsen the condition. Always observe the difference in your pet's activities and behavior. You must also give them proper medications or therapies to address the problem. 


Your vet is the best resource person on how to treat whatever's causing your dog's leg pain. It is also recommended to try natural alternatives, such as CBD products, in dealing with the condition. Pain control can be really difficult when it comes to helping your dog. CBD products are a natural alternative all owners should know about. 

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